plan is looking for a team

Hello guys,

i decided to play aktive again and im looking for a team, which is playing OC or/and decided to go to the LAN in Belgium.

Skill: med+ (playing since 2003 till 2007)
Mic + can talk English. German, Polish
avi: Mon-Thursday( 21:20-no end) Sunday whole day.
ex clans: shidima, aGu, trick 7, addicted e.Sports e-style
medic, engr


- no busted/cheating players
- 1-3rd Group OC
- stable team
-vent/ts3 server

contact me in irc #shidima (haven't a bnc just avi when im online)
what if the offis start at 21:15?

nice guy anyways :) gl
gl pole :')
good plan to search team :)
you'll make it
gl pole :')
gl <33333
gl plan

wenn du lust aufn aktives 3o3 bobteam das in esl zockt hast contact me :<
he called me tard cuz i had only 20 xp in 5 mins :(
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