Well, I thought the scene would get mature by the time. After all it has been like 7 years since the game got released, I was wrong. Anyway, I am avi as 5th or 3rd for some nice, funny and skilled guys. But also if you are a highskilled player without a team, you can pmme to make a 3v3 team and extend if it goes well.

About me: Godlike with 50+ acc when I want to, otherwise highskilled, sometimes med-. :)

You can meet me at #Dharma on IRC

shoutout to GermanyboNg<3
hope i will go to ur country and burn ur company
Your skill depends on the fact if you want to aim yourself or let the bot do it?
Incredible how stupid you can be. :)
Incredible how stupid you actually are. :)
Incredible how stupid you can be. :)
Well as far as I know you are actually the hacker and I have provided unexceptionable evidence that my skill is real and you still call me a hacker. Not only calling me a hacker, you even say it confidently. Unbelievable. But the worst thing is that when you realise you were acting like a total jerk, you won't even apologize, you will just find another way to try to offend me. So pathetic and yet so typical.
"I have provided unexceptionable evidence that my skill is real" would be only if you came to a LAN

or recorded yourself playing against people
You are actually boring me. If someone comes to a lan and sucks, he can say I was nervous or I had a bad day and so on. But when you look at the aiming at the corners I did, you can't argue with that, it is even better evidence that a stupid lan. Or my succeses in the other games which don't have so much fucked up scene. I even wanted to come to a lan, but I got banned from there so what is your point?

Really boring.
Tracking corners isn't nearly the same thing as playing a match. And by coming to a LAN you could prove all of us wrong. if you have a bad day /nervous whatever, wouldn't change anything because we already think that you cheat. so basically you got nothing to lose.
"I am the judge here. I am very important. My words are strong as a rock."

Gosh, random egomaniac. You won't succeed with this attitude. "Every braindamaged player (95%) says that going to a lan is the only chance to show that you are clean, otherwise if you shoot 40+ acc you must be a hacker. So I will just support this demented theory and people will worship me." I give up. These people are screwed up.
I just ment that by coming to a lan you can prove that you're innocent. even you're having a bad day or you're nervous, I really doubt that you'd have so huge skilldrop that people would call you a cheater. And to be clear, tracking corners is not that hard and is not better evidence than a "stupid lan" (which is btw the biggest thing keeping ET alive at the moment.)
You did not get what I said. I am never nervous and I don't think I would play worse because I would probably get warmed. The point is... Read above.
there is no such word as "warmed" :-(
are you serious? :DD aiming at corners? :DDDD you're quite amusing :D
Let's see. You are a medskilled noob. What does your opinion worth? Not much probably. :)
he achieved more than you in ET, even with your amazing wall tracking i can do with any sensitivity.
Do it. Stupid egocraphead. You can do nothing with your low+ skill. You just offend every player in this game. Though in some cases it is impossible.
Do it. Stupid egocraphead. You can do nothing with your low+ skill. You just offend every player in this game. Though in some cases it is impossible.
Incresdible that such a kid can actually decide about who is and who is not getting banned.
Let's see. You are a medskilled noob. What does your opinion worth? Not much probably. :)
[21:44.16] ( d`Bozar-afk ): learn speaking and come back
:D I suppose your company went to shit
Upload some demos of you playing. Nothing to hide, nothing too loose.
http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=forum&mode=item&id=25881 In here you got something. I don't remember the matches or the quality but it's not bad I guess.
I am actually the hacker? You kidding me? Can't help it you are the lowskilled retard here and not me =)
dont reply here guys. this guy is addicted to attention
Evryone knows he hacks, denyng it makes him even more pathetic and he knows it himself ;))))) and if he lies about that he fails inreallife to :))) iZi
Incredible how stupid you can be. :)
Again, you are just lieing to yourself, you should stop that or you will get depressive someday in reallife man.
i honestly consider bozar clean.
i hope you are able to reply to this without insulting me, in case you are unable to do so, don't expect another reply.
Why would I insult you? That's YOUR opinion. My opinion is that he still hacks... Well I last played him 1year ago, but maybe he didn't change.
Emm.. As far as I know you're also busted cheater am I right? No offense.
Yes I am, what does this has to do with it?
Well, nothing I guess. Its just feels a bit stupid to see you flame other cheaters.
What's stupid about it, now tell me?

Don't make a fool out of urself here now
Maybe I already did. If you don't understand how stupid it looks to flame cheaters as being one yourself, then Im sorry but I cant explain it to you. And I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.
A cheater myself? I am an ex cheater, as said. And what does it matter? I can say whatever I want, if someone cheats or not you inbreded imbecil, are you really that stupid than? Please don't reply you're to stupid
And now you started insulting me because you didn't know what to say. Yeah, you can say what ever the fuck you want, and as I said it just looks plain stupid. You're a cheater until proven innocent.

QuoteEvryone knows he hacks, denyng it makes him even more pathetic and he knows it himself ;))))) and if he lies about that he fails inreallife to :))) iZi

QuoteAgain, you are just lieing to yourself, you should stop that or you will get depressive someday in reallife man.

You're a cheater, dont try to deny.
I can say it with full pride since I didne even play ET for 5months.. Again get ur facts straight kid:D

I warned you not to make a fool out of urself.
So either you're saying that you're proud of being a cheater or you're proud of that you cheated in the past.
Pretty much a good comment.
QuoteWell, I thought the scene would get mature by the time.

Well, we thought YOU would mature by that time.
then it should be an easy task for him to edit my comment.
I'm avi for 5v5

(busted) cheaters only

du kannst noch et? wann war das letzte mal? :D
ähm vor nem monat - aber für den bob reichts
Professional Computer Gamer
Speedy Bozar

(Computer Games industry)

August 2005 — November 2008 (3 years 4 months)

Command and Conquer: TW, Trackmania Nations, Wolfenstein:Enemy territory, Quake 3
Happiness, the only purpose of all life, is polar opposite of suffering, which is mostly caused by the cruelty of humans to innocent animals under the unfair dominion of mankind. Therefore the relationship of every human to this mainly i like cock evil is the deciding factor about the goodness of his character and the value of his life.
Professional Computer Gamer at Speedy Bozar
Sunglasses is the purpse of summer, not winter.
Are you trying to amaze me by googling me? If you are, good boy!
but but but you are a bad player :(
gl speedy
gl, give him a chance:<
Your such a great troll man, gratz
lol ofc youre gona get flamed by the way you act ...
How do I act?
Like a fucking troll that thinks he is some god in real life because you are some manager of some shit company nobody gives a shit about, while you actually work at MC Donalds, you are dreaming about shit you don't know and make up stupid sentences to look smart. The only word you can use it "ego" glued with another word, while you yourself are the biggest egotard existing, you think you are so good and intelligent and act like an 8 year old, you will never join a highskilled clan because of this, also you claim your IQ is over 140, and yet you get banned for a cheat cvar, you claimed you got tricked, quite stupid for a person with 140 IQ and philosophical bullshit, oh and telekinesis, wow, you are also schizophrenic, posting videos on youtube and claiming it was your friend, yet you and your "friend" have the same typos and spelling mistake structure and later you claim "i told him what to type", you think you can find a loophole for everything, as soon as you get flamed you give some shit comment which implies how greatly skilled you are, you live on attention just like every busted cheater, we're not dumb, i can go on and on and write a fucking book about how ignorant you actually are so yeah bb hf socrates.

I don't care what you reply to my comment because you are braindamaged and you call 95% of et players braindamaged aswell.
Too long to read.
Or maybe you read it and burst into tears.
IQ is linked with reading comprehension, I read it fast and didn't waste much time, you should too.
:D Criminal Minds.. =)
hahaha :D

hilarious... sir, i think its time for you to fuck off into a new community
Just ban him for life. Problem solved.
u`re just jealous ur iq isnt any higher then 100
If you atleast want to look smart learn to spell.
u tell me where my mistake is and i tell u where yours are.
u`re just jealous ur iq isnt any higher then 100
ok mister english, its than then ;) but the rest is correct, so gtfo.

Yours should be: If you want to look smart at least learn to spell.
like a total fool - or more like a hacker/retard, every real skilled person would give a fuck on a random flame.
/end of conversation.
to start off with calling yourself a "highskiller" when you havent played ec etc/ been in any decent clans

you gota start where most people did and work your way up

and anyone good will get flamed unless they have prooved themselves at a crossfire lan (cf nature) and having been busted in the past (kik aim 1 ? ) doesnt help, so deal with it

having a high ego doesnt help either

people not gona take you seriously when you appear a troll to others (move stuff with your mind etc)
I remember playing against you and lakai long time ago. I was dying of laughter, that's why I remember it. I had like 11k damage and how much did you guys have? 5k? What skill are you then? You would have to be noskilled to make me lower than high. It's not ego. I am just make a statement that kinda helps me to prove what I need to prove. Sadly it does not work very well since the people here are like this.

You seem to be a nice guy even though you surely called me a hacker before, so I will answer you nicely. After all I gotta be tolerant around this scene, otherwise I would have to comit a suicide. :) I can't start where other people started, because they don't even allow me to. I wanted to, but I started to play ET at 2005 and after 4 months of playing with Rednoss we have become med+ and were called hackers almost every game. By the time it got even worse so I was not even trying to get better because it was pointless and even now I am not allowed to be good. That's why I always say that my skill depends on how much I want to, because if I really wanted to, I could not play this game. I know it sounds bigheaded like hell, but what do you want me to say? I started to play with 2 times higher Y dpi than X dpi, some time ago I was playing with extremely high sensitivity to make me worse and people still called me a hacker. So basically what you say is that I should start by playing like medskilled and act like I am getting better?
I have only played with you once, and i wouldn't have said you cheated then, never played against you to my knowledge, and if you do cheat then I don't really care, you seem to have nice tracking, and this is something i welcome. But that is not the problem like most people seem to think here.

I am not attempting to flame you, instead advise you. You have a bad reputation on Crossfire - probably due to ignorant cheater accusations that echo through 50% of the community, and gets repeated till no end. But again, that is not the main problem. The main problem is your arrogance towards the scene. You developed aim - but you don't have a known name or a history. As much as I'd like to, I'd like to be playing in these 'high' teams as much as you. However - I know I'd need to work my way up, which you don't seem to notice. You cannot just simply come from no where and expect skilled players to welcome you with open arms, you are naive to think you have some sort of exception towards you. Drop the attitude, and work your way up, the rest of us have had to do it.

I do, however, wish you good luck.

I will lose all respect towards you if you simply come back at me with the HURR DURR REGISTERED FOR THIS AMOUNT OF TIME. I'm sure you understand that this doesn't mean anything. I hope you listen to this. Have fun, sir.
I don't know who you are, but you look like a guy who is able to understand what I am talking about here. I respect your opinion and you are kinda right, but the point is I have been here for a long time. This is acutally my first online game.

If I was only looking at this game as a person who only wants to play the matches and be appreciated, I would have to be full of hate and anger, but I have learned so much besides very important ability to controll myself. Why I am saying that is that my main purpose is not to play for a highskilled team, but just to play, therefore I won't give up on my self-respect just to be liked. :)

PS: The sentence about self-respect is not accurate, but it would take too long. :)
I understand because I am in the same situation myself. But I'm finally getting somewhere. I played RTCW when i was 11, my first computer game online, moved to UT2003 and then ET, but only casually.

But I moved to ETpro in 2007, and have been around in this community since that. Only now, after i attended lan, am i getting noticed. But i would not dream of calling myself 'high'. I've noticed something about the upper circle of players. And that is the fact that you get the through time. The circle is constant, new players are rare. And it takes alot of effort to attempt to climb in. Top teams don't look for new talent, instead attempt to steal other talent from various other teams. And that's how it is in most games.

The only way to get what you are hoping for, is to get an average team, and work up from there. This approach will only leave you being mocked by the very average community that we are a part of - trust me, I've tried.
Nevermind then. Good luck. :)
You too, my friend.
I believe you're a great aimer but thats nothing compared to what real highskilled players are. On top level its not about aim anymore but more of all things combined. If you wish to keep playing your "highskilled" wars and owning the shit out of noobs thats not impressive. They're just a bit ego like you, cant understand that some neverheard would own them but when infact they're not so good players at all. If you wish to get even once to play at highskilled level (even in 3v3) you need good players to play with and learn the game. 50 % acc wont help you if u cant use it. There's only few players who has this highskilled-status and to get there you got plenty of work to do. Try keeping chats off if the whine annoys you.
You are generally right, but you don't know me. You don't know my game sense. Why do you think I can get 100-0 on a public? It's not about aim. And why do you think I can beat a med+ team with lowskilled teammates? That's not about aim mate. I remember fullholding some med+ mix with 5 lowskilled czech public players, because they were listening to the tactics.

The fact that sometimes I play like a brainless idiot is not because I am stupid. I am just too tired to pay attention on enemy spawn and objective. Covering my teammates is an automatical thing.
you are making fun of yourself dude.
You wanted to play with me against that retarded fucky who banned me from IRC channels. I said that I would play on my server or on his server when he unbans me. You agreed and said he was your really good friend who would do it for you. I trusted you, came to the server and waited untill he unbans me. That loser was just flaming me instead of unbanning me and then you joined in and started to flame me aswell. People like you just make me lose faith in a human race.
Did you play on ETTV or something lately? I've never seen you playing and would like to spec you once :C
So you lose faith in human race because they flamed you over a video game in a video game.

you are making fun of yourself dude.
That's not what I said. You don't understand anything and you reply anyway. That's called trolling as far as I know. The end. You are hopeless. :)
Err.. Nope, thats exactly what you said.
good luck
I played a couple of games with you and you seem pretty ok. However you have unbelievable aim for a guy who hasn't played at any serious level and hasn't proved himself at lan.

You like to tell everyone how good you are and how successful you are but haven't attended a single lan and have no plans to even though they cost very little.

Until you do please stop with the constant attention seeking. Full stop. Hope you prove us all wrong and nail 10k dmg at the next lan, have fun
I was planning to come. They did not let me. And I want to come even now. So I have no idea what you are talking about, but thanks for the weird comment anyway. :)
Tbh he said he would go to cc5, if he found himself a team. But what happened? xd ps. he was a TOTAL newbie in quake 3 when I played versus him and still played on the same level as me in ET -> for sure hacks. :o) Thou I do believe he owns in CnC and track mania :D
how can u say someone is hacking when hes good in et but shit in quake?
this is utter bullshit, quake is completely different gameplay, its faster, etc etc. the only thing they got in common is the engine.
oh, i bet u werent good in quake either when u started.
how can u say someone is hacking when hes good in et but shit in quake? If you are a _highly_ skilled aimer in one game, you have the reflex's and the tracking skills required in every game. I have never played q3 much, neither did bozar so the game we played vs each other was possibly 20% faster than in ET. He should have been able to play well with railgun and lightning gun (reflex's and tracking weapons) - BUT he didn't. And yes I wasn't good, but I was way better than the average newbie who had just started playing.
You don't really make sense. Check the videos at youtube where I play Quake. Medixza or Medixa or something like that, he is from UK, was permanently calling me a cheater and he once challanged me to show him my aim at Quake. I agreed under one condition. If I do it and prove him he was wrong, he would admit he was a fucking retard. I think he is a boring person but I must say I respect him for admitting he was acting like a fucking retard. That's rare for ET players.
I cba to go watch them :) But imo you where not good in quake (2 years ago or smth :D). I'm not saying I am either, but I was/(am?) better than you in quake.
I could argue, but who cares? I never really been good at Quake generally. I think I might consider myself as med+ at one map because of learning it really hard, but at the other maps I was maximally low+/med. Although I and also some highskilled Quake players believe there is nobody who can aim like me in the youtube video. Majority of them think I was hacking of course, but that's not the point. :) I also never seen anyone else having 70+ acc with rail during a whole map at instagib.
I consider myself being low+ max in q3 :) In warsow I had 75% acc in instagib at publics thou :D (on a good day)
I don't know warsow. I had 70+ rail acc much more often at Excessive+ than at Quakelive. People say QL is easier, but I don't feel it like that.
pm me @ #TAG.ET
pm me @ #Dharma
yeh unbelievable aim and yet you still lose against my medskill team with your zero teamwork =(
Bozar is the best guy out there! lol

funny to see all these ppl beeing so jealous of him :D

gas to the fire :D
read bozar ... stoped reading
he acts like a jerk in his mercwars.
like a jerk on crossfire.

i'm not his hater, cause he doesn't deserve the attention :)
even this second post on his amazing journal is to much. but hey... you reply and i've to do the same.

I got banned from clanbase, crossfire, IRC, lan tournaments. I got kicked from many many wars for "hacking" and I have been insulted more times than you farted you smelly prick and I am the jerk. :D
surely they did all this for fun ;P
it's not your fault !!!!!!

keep trust in this mate :)
and all that hate although you re such a lovely person :<

seriously, with your high intelligence you never ever spend a single second on having a critical look at yourself?
this is the mainpoint, you genius brought things to such a level, that people in here dont even care about you being real or not anymore. since all those years we all had to tolerate you, everything you did was talking like you were smarter than anybody in here, you made us believe that you re the founder of true success and you havent been respectfull to anybody in here in any single fucking way. and now you keep blaming us again for not giving you a fucking chance for anything.

i can just sum things up, you fucked it up by yourself. same like all the busted hackers did.
you re the one to blame and things wont change until you once will break the wall of egoism.

and i m gonna add something in advance: dont even think about replying with one of your smart insulting hymns, since nobody gives a shit about them. just reply if you really understood what i m talking about
"you fucked it up by yourself. same like all the busted hackers did."

By the way who are you?
is that interesting in any way in this case?
i m watching you for quite a time since it was almost impossible not noticing what was going on...
auf den hund gekommen :P
please tell me u just found the website icanhascheezburger.com :D
nope, know it some years though.. just typed in google " im watching you" at the pic section and c/p link :O
What was going on? :)
i m atm not sure whether i am talking to the dawg 3 comments above or to the selfproclaimed smartest person on crossfire...
so much text and it was useless right from the start...even u didn't expect an intelligent answer.... those guys doesn't deserve the attention they get so don't give them what they obviously seem to need ;)
yep you re right, just felt like writing what i thought about him for quite a time and used this one to give him a chance for showing whether he really is smart or not... his answer was quite clear
but basically am i right in ur opinion?
i can't say something about his inteligence, as I don't know him personally. But if he cheated in the past it would exclude the word "high" before intelligence... ;)
what flr said
Start playing with chat on. ;)
Gl, stop playing with seareall, he affects your teamplay :o)
Thanks. I know you are right, but he saves me so much time by searching mercs and enemies. :)
I'll pm you in the weekends ;)
How have you had ran from your cave? Stay there dude we dont want you.
It's funnier outside where I can make fun of lamers full of hate like you who call me a hacker.
Reading your comments here makes me wonder if i either advice you to the nearest shrink or fly to your country and gun you down.

highskilled in every game ever played... used to be the best world player in command and conquer, trackmania nations and in my opinion sometimes in ET :)

With that oppinion you are a fucking lonely person.
In my opinion? When did I say that? It must have been long time ago since I made 100+ hs and 57 acc in one round and definately was the best ET player while playing that round. :))))
Even the lord cant help you anymore son.
Not only christianity, but also creationism have become very popular in Germany. Don't take it so seriously. The lord teaches you to love me man. Do it. :)
The lord told me to give you up.
Not really. Some of my good friends are christians.
DUDE!! Maybe we should team-up?? what u say?
That's a SURE thing DUDE!! Who are you by the way? :))
Member For: 3 years, 3 months and 6 days.... never mind then.
It's OK. We can play, but why does everybody call you a cheater?
Reading your comments here makes me wonder if i either advice you to the nearest shrink or fly to your country and gun you down.

highskilled in every game ever played... used to be the best world player in command and conquer, trackmania nations and in my opinion sometimes in ET :)

With that oppinion you are a fucking lonely person.
Still he can move paper with his mind...... Pretty nice eh ?
Not anymore. I am sorry for disappointing you.
Oh FUCK, no way man ? what happened ?
I stopped practising. :'(
No time. It is enough for me to know it is possible so I will come to watch someone better than me.
Too late for GL?
It's never too late for GL. :)
there are geniuses in every field but some cannot accept it
altho dunno the whole detailed history so maybe he could be hiding something
still he can aim and do it better than vast majority and this is pretty much the aspect i love the most so gl :}
good aimer, 100% clean, needs to improve his teamwork if he wants to play in some really skilled 5o5 team :P
won against Speedy-Bozar in cpma
knifed Speedy-Bozar in a 3on3 (W:ET)
You beat me like 14-13 even though you were playing the game for some time and for me it was a first game. You just suck. :)
.jpg or it didn't happen :D
:D:D:D:D::D:D:D:D:D::D:D:D::D:D:D:D:D:D:DDDDDDDDDDDDD :D:D:D::D:D:D:D:D::D:D:D:D::D:D:D::D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D::D:D:D:D:D::D:D::D:::D::D:D::D:D:D:D:;:;D:;d;D:D:d;:d::D;D:D::D;D;D:D:D::D::D::;D;D:;D:;D;d;d;d;D;D:D::D;:D:D
Mature community? OFC it's not since the people like u are making it shit. I did play with u couple of 3o3 matches and guess what, when something went wrong it wasnt ur fault at all never, it was always others fault and ur the man ur the best. GROW UP MAN!

ps. yes I dont know how old are u but time to time u act like 14 years old kid.
I make mistakes but since you are so pissed off, you are probably stupid lowskilled player who I was flaming during a game. I am sorry if I hurt your feelings. I wish you to have more fun in the next wars.
It wasnt me u were shouting at, it was the other player (the third) and I dont care if im low, med or even high, its only an game and u shouldnt be shouting like that during the game, i know u arent the only one doing that and definetly not the last but this topic is about U so I did decide to reply in my own way.
It is not annoying me to play with lamers. It is annoying me to play with lamers who don't listen to me. But of course there are many other circumstances that can make me mad. Like sucking and being to tired to do something with it while playing against polish hackers. Or playing against laggy hackers who don't hide it and are even lucky. Playing against kids on their server their map and at side they want me to and even getting flamed by my teammates because I am complaining about enemy attitude. But I almost never mean the anger seriously, if I unfairly made you upset, I am sorry.
high skilled muahahahahahahah more ego ...
that aiming @ the corners is propably the biggest bullshit I have ever seen (oh forgot eujen's brain tutorial!!). Like how that would prove anything, even the most stupid and low hacker can do such a clip

and wat it means if you have more than 40 acc? Prolly that you never gib (w/ gun) and you never preshoot. just only shoot when you are sure you can hit?
Never understood people who hype their acc (maybe since I have it round 18)
Tbh the tracking at a corner is like tracking a player who stands still (you sometimes see for example Finland Matias crouching and staying still :D) So it does prove that you can somewhat track. Ps. Raziel's aim guide was a success.

Speedy Bozar doesn't need to preshoot, he has 0.001s reflex's :) (:-----D)
noob comment
tell me why
QuoteLike how that would prove anything, even the most stupid and low hacker can do such a clip

go ahead, proofs or it never happened
you can search his clip yourself ;)
no, i want you to show even the lowest hacker can do it. ur words.
now read my comment again. Thought you could solve the CODE even with your brains..
still i want you to show everybody can do it, since i cant and i believe u couldnt either
Everyone can do it with practice, not without it.
The second part is really hard. I know some people who can do it really good, but to be honest, I don't know anyone who can do that 180 degree move in the middle of the clip at main.
* with alot of practise
Because there is a huge difference between moving your crosshair around the edge of a corner and having it glued on the corner. If you just keep it around, it means you can keep your crosshair around your enemy, but when it is glued, it means you can track your enemy precisely. Your comment really is stupid, because you have no idea how the aiming works and you even say it with such pride, that makes it even worse. Give me the link to eujen's tutorial please. It must be hilarious. :D
Since you are the biggest butt munch I shouldnt give you this link but im too nice and kind :<


I thought he was boring, but I was just looking at him the wrong way. xD
QuoteBecause there is a huge difference between moving your crosshair around the edge of a corner and having it glued on the corner. If you just keep it around, it means you can keep your crosshair around your enemy, but when it is glued, it means you can track your enemy precisely

exactly because of this, if u dont get it go play cs
i dont get it, you get it means you own me right?
dunno, rather yes but who cares? its such a simple logic and so basic knowledge about how aiming in genreall works, but obviously ur brain cant handle even this basics - poor u.
I just dont get it, first I said its very easy and everyone can do such a clip with little prac (+ many tryes)

then you say that there is huge difference to have aim around/glued so thats why it hard and impossbile and hero shit but then you again call me bad because its so simple and easy and everyone knows it about aiming.

pretty confusing
rofl u are mixing things up

for sure nearly everybody can do it with some train and sens tests quite good, BUT to track most precisely w/o any mistakes IS hard and most ppl (> 98% !) cant track perfectly on a edge

on the other hand the logic BEHIND this is very simple, the better u can control ur mousemoves while moving ingame on a static target (so called edge), the easier it is for u to keep on tracking against moving ppl.

2 points in that a) doin it = hard
b) understanding it = easy
and you are also saying that this thing is very important ingame right?
did i? imo i didnt! since u have to aim at (normaly) moving enemys and not on edges ingame
no, u just said i should go to cs and that "rather yes you own me since you know/do this"

1st) yes! why? becuse not understanding of how aiming works - with that partiular example u are maybe wrong in a game which requires tracking - and should rather think of playing a 1 hit wonder luckshot game like cs.
2nd) i never said u cant aim ingame
3rd) i never claimed that i own u, just because of the fact i know about this and u dont. i said "dunno, but rather yes" based on the fact i played u few times on pub and saw u on ettv from time to time, and my impression was that u got a average aim/movement but nothing special in generall
4th) the end
you saw me at pub, im screwed
Isn't it nice to feel like me for a while? Speaking to a wall. :)
true :))))
I really hope you find some good team and start to play instead of just ranting and blabbering around here, this is going nowhere.

attention @ inetz :)
gl Bozar, one of the best aimers this game has seen
posting in an epic thread.
image: oopsb
I heard that you made that CORNERUBERLEETAIMTRACKING by modifing those omnibots?!.

this is just so sad.
gl pepicek
You guys are paying attention to some1 who's "not worth it"? ( not my words )

damn.. be more jealous please.. =\
hahaha this guy got destroyed in this forum :D
He is already getting destroyed for some years now :D
I don't think so. First of all I got 200+ comments, how many not sticky topics did ever earn that? And second of all, I found out some interesting people and comments, which worth more than the other people and comments. :)
At least you have attention.
image: Special-Olympics
Congratulations, you are retarded.
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