2 Players looking for EGU team.

Stalji and I looking team for EGU lan.
We are two happy players with skill:
Poland MassBlazed med/- (medic/eng smg/fop)
Poland Stalji med/+ (medic/eng smg/fop)

More about us at #exert @ qnet. Pmme or Stalji.

About u:
- EGU Lan: on
- Skill med
- Can be team only for EGU or stable team.
- Must be Poland

Suck my balls! : D
engrish u speak it
We are two happy players with skills:
or stable team for longer game.

nice one
pm roni on cf
They are happy players, take them.
Stalji med/+

:xD I looking for polish teams so, suck my balls! yeah!
Stajli med+
- Stalji med/+ (medic/eng smg/fop)
hmmm :D never saw before and med/+.. .Hopeless times approach :<
Stajli med+
Stalji med+
med/+ IS DIFFERENT FROM med+. Freaking idiotic flamers.
whos stalji?
po prostu pierwszy raz nick widze, a kolega med+ to pewnie na jakims fejku gra, albo cos. czysta ciekawosc.
Nie to nie jest fejk, kolega gra ju&#380; ze 4-5 lat. Wi&#281;c chyba reke ma na tyle dobra ze potrafi pobrac.
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