Phantoms need 5th

Since gengis cant be active, we are in need of a skilled 5th medic.

you need to be skilled / can pracc sunday => thursday / medic / GOOD ON COMS

We are in ESL EMS and CB EC


Spain WeZoR
Croatia calisto
Germany s1LENT
Finland vokki
Europe tba

Spain RadifZ
Switzerland crAsh
Spain Gengis

pm me at #phantoms

I wont answer to unknow, cheater or low players.
active , let crAsh play :D
Take Fuchs
fucking lowbobs
sunday - thursday, serious business eh
You searching skilled med? np take me.
"skilled" to nie med skill
czlowieku spokojnie bije podobny dmg co kamz wiec cos ze mnie bedzie.
Wow doswiadczony gracz, no tak wkoncu dmg > all i granie vs low+/med- izi bash dla takiego haj skillora jak Ty.
hajskilor chyba ci sie juz popierdolilo w bani :) gn8
ej allahu tyle co pamietam to cie bije spokojnie a ja low+ max wiec cisza
tyle co pamietam to mnie nie biles. koniec.
no ale nie grales / nie grasz ze zbyt dobrymi graczami w klanach / klanie trzeba przyznac..
aktualnie gram z ciekawymi graczami i nie musze sie chwalic z kim gram bo nie jest wam to potrzebne i tak kazdy pomimo tego ze nie wie jak gram, powie ze jestem low ;D
no jak grasz z 'ciekwaymi' ludzmi to co sie dziwisz? jesli rzeczywiscie cos potrafisz to musisz postarac sie wybic, bo jak narazie niewiele osob cie zna..
gl wezor & co
puta : (
without the master puta ur nothing!
LoL nubs nolifers
Poland klejf Poland klejf Poland klejf Poland klejf Poland klejf Poland klejf Poland klejf Poland klejf Poland klejf Poland klejf Poland klejf Poland klejf Poland klejf Poland klejf Poland klejf
(00:09:27) (@Lazio) Phantoms need 5th
(00:09:30) (@Lazio) Since gengis cant be active, we are in need of a skilled 5th medic.
(00:09:32) (@Lazio) FOLD
(00:09:37) (@griim) agree
good joke :P :D :P
I'd say Bozar but I'm afraid he's way too skilled for you.
catcher ehehehhheheeheee
gl wezor paneleiro :D
gengis is the p00ner! <3
can pracc sunday - thursday

u could take me, but i cant play from sun-thu :D
Take Finland BossHK
avi, pm!
take caTchEr hähähä :))
QuoteI wont answer to unknow, cheater or low players.

take Netherlandskaal
buena suerte sam <3 <3 <3
or pm me :D
gl wezooooor <3
You guys Need some Mexicans!
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