audio hack

is there such thing?

ie: u could regroup needed sounds and play them louder, sooner, at a diff freq, falloff curve etc...
ofc it's possible, but if you won't get banned for using aimbot+wh, why bother?
more likely, not banned at all.
Min engelska workZ inte
nexus getting too dangerous for ya?
i dont cheat against humans
only against et-playing nolifer?
though really strange, they'r still humans
/q cdap|perfo on QuakeNet
It is not allowed, so why do you even wanna know? =/

Jezus, what a mentality.
yeeeeeeeet what l3333333333t
Yes, with audio hack you can make your mp40 fire sound like farting.
Oeh, I would like 1 of those sir.
fire in the hole?
Yes, most of that is possible.
yep, you can make sounds sound sooner, it's real izi
i use it, i always set it to the end of the match so I hear who wins.
pontlesss post
it is really interesting, how smart is everybody trying to be...

the reason for me askin bout audio hacks is that some of these "tweaks" can be done via the script language behind the Qengine. Do official configs or punkbuster treat audio settings as dangerous?
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