g5 & qpad prob

Hi , im having a problem with my logitech g5 and qpad. Some days ago i bought qpad. With my old razer pad g5 stucks sometimes and i thought qpad would solve the problem for me , but with qpad it's even worse it stucks for every little faster move so it's impossible to play , i have all the newest drivers n shit but it aint helping . So plz help me :]
Don't tell me u installed the last firmware
What's wrong with it?
i did if the last is version 1.2
Don't tell me u installed the last firmware
Don't tell me u installed the last firmware
maby it is ur mouse?
no cuz it works fine on a table and it aint so bad on razer pad eighter
then play on the table
playing on table sucks tbh
Ì tossed my G5 in the closet. mx500 ftw
buy razer mantis speed
g5 can't "read" all black mousepads, try a white one and see if it helps.
yep had the same problem as you - the black one isnt working with g5 - plz point out your exact qpad

I have highsens mousesettings as well and cant turn quickly 180 degrees - it just stops after a few degrees - first i thought it was the dpi but that didnt change anything (i play with 2000 btw)

i am trying out now the highsens (should arrive this week) but i think Dzen4n is right that G5 has problems in reading on dark backgrounds

have a look at this retailer


when you look for qpad and click details you can actually see a rooster of compatibility possibilities
g5 working fine for me @ Qck and mats like this :-p
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