Flabergasters need ENGI !

Flabergasters @ Skill Theory

is looking for
Engi smg.

  • b0mba Poland
  • GaNGi Poland
  • pancho Poland
  • g0dZz Portugal

    and backup:
  • Blast France
  • VerMu Finland

  • Multigaming http://skilltheory.xaa.pl/ ( new theme - - > working )
  • med/- skilled
  • pref to play together ( no rambos )
  • really active
  • playing cb ( oc, ladder ) and going to play more cups and ladder.


  • active ! : tuesady, wednesday, thursday, friday ( or saturday ) and sunday - from 20:00 CET or 21:00 CET
  • med/- skilled
  • stable, mature, fun
  • speaking decent United Kingdom
  • really communicative

CONTACT: #pSearchers.et /q fLaber`b0mba or /q fLaber`GaNGi || xfire : vojagersleeper or just pm me here @ CF.[/b]
PolandPancho is the one and only good player since he's the one and only nerd in this team, gl.
Quoteonly nerd in this team

Quote# active ! : Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday ( or Saturday ) and Sunday - from 20:00 CET or 21:00 CET

image: hippo_wild
g0dZz liga essa merda a ver se te safas puto
gl pancho
p2c waiting :XD
horible? thats just fucking no life xD
Zaczaruj moj swiat!
Yes it's fucking horrible and i really don't know what he write :o Saturday? :o
Saturday ? beacuse it depens - friday or saturday.
active ! : tuesady, wednesday, thursday, friday ( or saturday ) and sunday - from 20:00 CET or 21:00 CET

change it to something like 20-22, decrease it to 3 days a week, leave the stack behind you, take a foot outside door and maybe you will see something called real life :)
4. speaking decent United Kingdom


g0dZz Portugal
whats about?
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