Fraps not working with ET

Hi all,

I have a Fraps problem and maybe somebody knows how to fix it. If I start Fraps and then ET it first works but once the actual game starts, it ceases to function. It's like Fraps does not detect the video.

If I record, then the sounds gets recorded but no video. Also, when I start Fraps with the FPS display, fireup ET it first displays the FPS (on the loading screen). But once the map is loaded, nothing anymore.

Operating System: Vista64

Any ideas?
i didnt read your porblem tbh, i just stopped reading at the title...

simple solution... dont use fucking fraps..
et got one of the simplest methods to capture a clip, just use it
well that maybe true but then it is in ET/ETTV format and needs ET as replayer. Or are you referring to something else?
no,he meant smth else.
you can take many pictures per second while replaying demo (cl_avidemo xx where xx is number of pictures per second), and then put them together with VirtualDub.
best method ever
Oh thank you. I did not know that. Will give it a try.
if you needed some help with that, feel free to pm me @ irc Green_Clon`
whats wrong with fraps? saves a lot of time
Let's see... hmm...

it sucks.
how does it suck?
- try opening ET and after that fraps.
- try compatibility mode for fraps and even for ET (xp would be the best bet i think)
- try older/newer versions of fraps
thx, will check it out.
Not so far :/ But i'll just used VirtualDUB and the tgas
Should not be the problem - fraps is running fine with VLC and other apps.
fraps, are you kidding me?

<insert random "problem, officer?" pic>
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