Need Fop for flabers.
Flabergasters @ Skill Theory
are looking for FIELD OP to complete lineup.You Must Be:
[*] med skilled fop
[*] from
[*] avi 4 times per week
[*] stable and mature
[*] got voice mutation
[*] not whiner/cheater
About Us:
[*] Multigaming - Skill Theory
[*] playing cb oc and 5on5 ladder, going to play in many cups.
[*] got game and voice server ( ts3 and vt 2.1.4 )
[*] praccing 4 times per week
[*] planing attend lans
[*] mature
CONTACT: /q fLaber`b0mba or /q fLaber`GaNGi || xfire : vojagersleeper. You can also pm me here
nice layout btw :p
e: and clan