vSlags recruiting

image: vslagsbanner

vSlags is recruiting 1 med/high rifle or FOP to add to its lineup. Current lineup is:

England eVo / ex sFx
England brzy / ex UKEG, Syk
Sweden rat / ex kojac, o8, Team Sweden
England West / ex sFx, Heartbreakers,
Canada Wesbo / ex Morrigu, eC4, Razer, sprd, pRm, Team Canada
Netherlands Kittiej / ex Morrigu, o6, Meangirls

Scotland Vexx
Slovenia M1ke
Germany Seya

It looks like quite a few players but Vexx has just disappeared for ages, m1ke has personal life to deal with, seya is not 100% active so is playing backup at the moment and Kitty is a dedicated student so does not play past 22:30 / 23:00 CET but given that some of us are UK or like rat have nothing better to do we want to play till later than that so we need a 6th.

Your class should be rifle (and then wesbo can stop noobing around with it) or Fop because typically m1ke and seya were our best fops. We have enough people in the team who play medic so we dont really need any more. Engineers / Fops only need apply.

Shoutout to brzy who spent ages working on the banner.

vSlags`eVo in #vSlags or
eVo`i in #Impact.Gaming
Pick me, pick me.... ohhh wait I am low skilled rifle :(
don't be so bad for youself :<
my riflenades are rather good, but I've completely lost my rifle aim :)
the banner aint fini ;)
i made several banners and logos and decided to go with this 1
u have 9 players and ur still recruiting

read the post :|
3 inactive :o vexx hasnt been seen in almost two weeks now, seya dunno, mike is having some issues! But thanks for the good luck =)

oh nee ik lig al om 10 uur met kitje in bed :<
props to brzy for the kewl banner ;D shame im taken :'<
Take Arachon, good player...

And infact decent rifler eventhough he claims otherwise ....
jedes mal wenn ein weib im banner ist, ist seya nich weit weg vom lineup ÔO
we got 2 couples in the clan, so imagine all the love on coms...

wesbo/kitty and w3st/breezy
And imagine all the love you get when there's you and someone else on a vent channel and the "third" one tries to join, just to find channel full. Start a diet you fat ass!
gL Wesbo, Kitty, rat. :O)
gl mike , Vexx
Read the post children and dont comment otherwise

Go to school or smth ..
Those are some WIDE legs on that banner, not sure whether thats a woman or kevlar doing some posing for ukeg
thats my arse ;)
:D I envy w3st
lekker dan zet em op
recruit tekoa with my cfg
lol fucking teKoa
jij bent een faler je verliest van amentie
kitty heeft eerder dan jij ec gespeeld :p
nou en ik heb geen ec gespeeld maar tenminste wel met nl de nationscup gewonnen waar jij ook gefaald in bent
ja maar je schuift de schuld nu op mij
ja je bent toch ook een noobje
rot op met je als wijven te gedragen en haal je nagels weg =)
of je hebt gewoon aids
GL ratzeh ! What about wow?
i can play wow all day, and then play et all night!
Recruit eTernaL, he loves the rifle. :P
gl ladies

(17:01:57) (@rat-) kanker kakkerlaken olé olé
gl rat Wesbo
gl guys :)
gl West m8.
rat is sexy
wesbo is sexy
kitty is sexy
vexx is sexy

zomg! gl
ugly banner
i dont wanna play till 23:30 zomg!
i bet vexx ran away from brzy and his ratemypoo site

GL! <3
why u are searching for an rifle?

wesbo ownz with rifle :-)

anyway gl guys/girl
jetzt wo du sowas gesagt hast gefällt mir der banner garnicht mehr so :[
gl guys
:oo wesbo>all ... idiot:o
Pick me, me, me, me, I'm available! :)
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