me need a bnc :>

hey im not new at this CF thing just new account but i need a bnc , ive been searching for a while and they all are greedy dutch ppl :>
pm me on #buff or on #crossfire
#scarface- ask there
Umm, Yeah theres bnc deals going around ill keep you informed
Join some team, play wars get joined with some mgc and you will get it ;<
my bnc's are all in use sorry.
copy pastesit ''Achievements''

lol @ greedy Dutch ppl :>
im dutch myself so :> little sarcasm is allowed :>
i aint kamz :s
50% of your name is exectly the same and 1 other letter is just placed place wrong.... so yes, you must be kamz! :D
but i got a bnc <3
your name reminds me of JakaZc (
en ihmettele yhtään mikset hakenu jatkokoulutukseen.
what do you mean
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