jau is searching for ...

... a 5v5 spot in a skilled clan !

i'm playing since 2005 and i'm cless since a few months now because it's hard to find a skilled clan when you're totally unknown ;(

So, my name is Joseph and i'm 18 years old. I can play every smg classes and i've never cheated. I can speak french and english (not perfectly as you can see but enough to be understood). I'm a bit shy but atleast i'm never whining.

About my skill, i think i'm around med/+, in 3on3 i use to play against med+.

Concerning my schedule, i'm available every days from 19h to 23h30.(nolifeeerrrr)

So if you're as skilled as me or better, not whining all the time and friendly, take mehhh !!!

PS: I might be able to go to the AEF lan.

thank you for reading and good night !

contact : jau @ #super-heroes or leave me a pm here.
Since okko think i'm wallhacking, i think i can say i'm highTT ++++/+/:/::/+++
or not :-(
your just Netherlandsjua undercover with another tag acting like a frensh men!
mmmmhhh not !

i've nothing to do with jua, sorry ! :)
i got two "u" in my nick contrary to jua !
if your name was jua, people would've tookk you!
Why? He's a cunt.
But a damn good aimer.
well attitude means more than aim.
Was not my point!
gl jahu !
goot luck
gl, skilled guy
gl take, skilled bud!
skilled medic, take him !
jAu is high, ok?
gl mec ;D
thx bigmac eater ! x)
a mort =D
little nerd:<
thanks, but i'm still waiting for pm :D
GL nice guy
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