In of need players!

I need good players for my team!!!!!!!

My friends quited ET!

When were complete i buy a server and we gonna play OC/EC and some cups.
I hope that we are complete over some days.

Interested : PMME or my xfire : xrazior
how fast do you need to be? Jump like Vanhomena or as fast as a Ferrari ?
how fast do you need to be? Jump like Vanhomena or as fast as a Ferrari ?
xD no for a cup
how fast do you need to be? Jump like Vanhomena or as fast as a Ferrari ?
i changed it:P
how fast do you need to be? Jump like Vanhomena or as fast as a Ferrari ?
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yea i know i need to learn it can you learn me?
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how fast do you need to be? Jump like Vanhomena or as fast as a Ferrari ?
Age: 12 ( 3 May 1998 )

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Can you remember what build this was?
One of yours id say, can't really remember the skillbuilds.
but i can guess

[2xW/E] Eviscerate, shock, bulls strike and perhaps disrupting chop (assuming axe here)
[R/any] oathshot, Whirling Defense, dust trap, frozen soil, fertile season, EoE, natures renewal
[Me/Mo] Draw Conditions, Purge Conditions, Shatter Enchantment, Diversion, rest could be anything but i'd add some interrupts and perhaps energy surge as elite for adding damage to the spike, and possibly a hard res
[2xMo/Me] could be anything, 1 with infuse, 1 with Word of Healing, Channeling, Healing Seed (for Ghostly Hero)
nah man with symbiosis & eoe i can only imagine that the me/mo is a bonder?

hmm yeah that actually makes more sense, why did you want to know anyway?
rather unusual build for HA, but then again we never really had common builds
was just curious
standard builds were boring! new things = fun

oh and while i'm nostalgic... those relic maps man... relic running with 2 holding builds was just... silly
not sure 100% sure if it was with you, but i still remember playing team arena's with some weird bunny thumper build (pre nightfall, so before they become popular) and holding it for hours
You would need to win 2,509 times consecutively to gain the 100,000 fame needed to max this title. This would take over 500 hours of holding Halls.




i mean r9 took a fair bit of time... but... well... o.O
exactly my thoughts. already took me long enough to get r9.
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