Gamingplanet.ET needs an admin

Hi guys!

I just started my own public server, and i realized that i can't always be there.
So I am in need of some players who want to be an admin on my public server.

server info:

ETPro Gamingplanet.ET

slots: 16
ETadminmod installed (spree_sounds and such :-) )
server located in : United Kingdom, Europe
latest competition maps
no mapcycle
and the possibility to do !mapvote during intermission.

and for last i decided to put PB ON (strangly most people get kicked for multihack now ^^; )

furthermore I'm open for any new ideas.

Spots free: 1 may be 2

If you're interested, pm me here on crossfire
or you can contact me on msn: [email protected]

When I think you're suitable for the 'job' I'll grant you an admin lvl.



PS: I'm sorry for the repost. but i forgot to change password with my last account Gamingplanet so i guess i lost most applicants.. and since the, Forgot password function is a pain.. ( NEVER WORKS :S ) I just made a new account
get location in germany...
UK is just fine :-)
servers in germany suck lol, in the uk evrybody has a proper ping.
stop talking shit....
stop talkign shit?:DD ppl usually has 20 ping more in a german server unless u are from eastern europe

fuck germany
Actually every eastern countrys (poland,cze,romania,croatia,hungary etc.) ping lower to german servers than to uK(distance does play a role here) Secondly you're french so either you got a good connection which is fine everywhere or you got a shitass conncetion and will ping shit everywhere. I do agree that spanish, por and israelis will ping lower to uK, but generally speaking uk server suck most of the time.
i know a lot of ppl that hates uk servers even with low ping because somehow it warps, cant really explain the feeling :)
Ye thats what I'm talking about these servers just feel laggy. Can't whine about high pings though as I basically lowping anywhere.
deleted your comments?:D
who was this ....
u dont make sense

or should i say:

you dont make sense....
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