Gimme team now !


ive played this game around 6 years and skill med+ (medic only)

and only known players concatc me here

im avi for tryouts.
ty baptiste b. im gonna need it !
Ty to Ironic coz henq says so !
Gl noob !
:D noob still using my old cfg ? btw ty.
haha nah :P using my own mixed with bulldozers :p pm me your current one! 8D
Thanks, and gl once again :)
real skilled MED+ defeated me in some random 3on3 war and always cry i BEATED u:-D
actually the true story is here :

Yes we rolled you hard at 3on3

then you was searching med+/high and i told that too high for you and you got angry and then started to flame on me and i nerdraged back.

and btw. was the reason why you got mad that you lost or the fact that i called you an old and spammed some?
i am always angry:-D
after some RANDOM war u said get lower skill - maybe i didnt have good day or test cfg or sens or other reason - i am never satisfed:-D
yesterday i deafeted BOZAR when i serached with mates med+/high - Braundorf 2:35 and delivery 5:40 i powned bozar very hard and who cares?? only i got super ego boost:-D :-D
not med+ and stupid whiner
dno where you get your informations but could say the same from you.
played against u like 5 times, rolled in every single war and u were crying like little baby

+ i dont whine in any of games unless im playing against retards
all i remember playing vs you is with 2 mixes one was 5o5 and other was 3o3

5o5 i had like 2.5 k more dmg than my team mates and more than any of you and 3o3 was with mix also and had most dmg

but all i can say is my team failed not me, like squallii said at lan :<

sad nerd is sad

and with pallot we won you 5o5 at somme cb so go cry somewhere else
but we won everyone of them and btw i had most dmg on that 5o5 mix :))))

only game we have played against u guys
that match had newly formed lu which failed bad and we have played against u (not sure if it was cb esl or pracc but we rolled u and thats it :))
Your such a fucking obvious wallhacker in that match lmao, every 2 sec you have an obvious moment, srsly LOL
srsly lol :<<<< too bad that im untouchable
3o3 i had best damages with engi ( both maps ) and at 5o5 my team mates sucked so hard and that was the case i was crying like you prolly noticed. and after the game im thinking of that 3o3 you played with sc_cheat 1 or something since i made 3 times 3 hs to gengis instantly and he never died. so the conclusion is i blame the team and i won ! yahaa
never lost 3on3 while playing with henQ
true that :) pallot should recruit some members and get back into business again :( hard to find new nerds...
me has no motivation atm (too much girls/boose and such) maybe for aalborg ill get back^^
yeh same here but me haz guys/boose. tanskassa nähään :) nenäkuva =)
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