Saiko wants a MGC!
Our line-up
YEOJ (c)
Bit about us
Ironic and Jake have been playing together for quite a time now, when they were playing under the name of RAZZIA.
YEOJ and Tw1zZt have been playing together for almost 5 years.
PmBb is new addition to the team, but fits in quite perfectly.
Activity :
>> Practices twice a week, and whenever were avi (which happens quite a lot surprisingly)
>> Participating in Clanbase Open Cup - Third division (should be second!)
Saiko vs sMc 4-2
Saiko vs SNSB 1-0 Forfeit win
Saiko vs Suffering 4-0 But lost due to Tw1zZt not recording a demo o0
>> Participating in Clanbase 5v5 Ladder
>> Antwerpen Esports Festival
>> Aalborg LAN if we get LANsupport
>> CiC 8, if there will be one.
>> Just head 5v5 cup :D
We had a bit of a rough start when we first started, And we were foolish enough to play official wars before we were ready for it. Which caused us to drop in the CB ladder ranking.
After we decided to stop with the official wars for a moment, we continued practicing, improving our tactics, our teamwork and our overall skill.
If there is any more information needed feel free to PM me, or contact one of the admin's at #saiko
A person that simply cannot be happy for another person's success. So rather than be happy they make a point of exposing a flaw in that person.
and no gl for:
I told you, I always win.
gift for you
still gl
btw. better give it here a try
good luck ironic!
but i dont think a forfeit win vs SNSB isnt worthy to put in a post like this XD