F-Secure and Punkbuster

Well,my problem is that F-Secure(anti-virus) and Punkbuster don't like each other.
When i connect to server with pb i get error messege.
uninstall f-secure and get an other anti-virus programm...
uninstall f-secure and get an other anti-virus programm...
punkbuster will be a thing of the past when SLAC comes out !
Uninstall F-Secure, problem solved!
remove pb
Had that problem also, when the map load is finished it will give error or crash.

I switched to Avast but it doesnt work with Ventrilo 2.1.4

So now using Comodo, with Comodo you need to go to Defence+ -> Advanced (left side) -> Defence+ settings -> Put it to Disabled. After that Punkbuster is working fine.
F-secure -> control panel -> administrative tools -> services -> FSGKHS <- stop
Idk what it did but it worked :D
Microsoft Security Essentials > all
uninstall it then
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