
still looking skilled mates to play with

medic with 6 years experience

pm here

EDIT: play atleast premi
viedda on muute vitu hyvää ^^
joo kaverilla oli joskus joku vaniljalikööri pullo, siihen viellä kylkeen vanilja sikarit ! avot
kusetat ei sulla oo kavereita :DD
luulin että oot mun kaveri :(

lähetit sentää kuvan koirastas ja jaettii hienoja hetkiä ventissä :(

mut ei mulla tollasii ainakaa en muista et ois ollu :D
vanilja sikarit ":D"
Quotemedic with 6 years experience

Try hospital.
ill try wish me luck
gl TAKE HIM hE iZ VErY gooT :P
gl henq :)
goot luck friend
ty baptiste b.
hmm looks nice
what kind of operation have you done in the past?
and what is your specialty
i was in vietgong 1965
and i was the medic there i healed all the cripled guys.
best of luck friend
ty kanker hekker lekker mongol vuile negeri
wish me luck :< what i can do if i get a cheater merc :(
ty sir ! i ill try that next time
tuut meitinkaa pelaan lowi matseja
ei kyllä yhtään huonompi idea sekään :D
gl, nice player.

but atleast premier? :$
yeh everything else is too easy or had too many experiences already
idd, never heard anyone named HenQ and he has played 6 years. So I doubt this guy has more than 2 years of experience in scrims :)
havent only played so much ettv games ( around 20 ), seems these days it matters all to have some shit cup pocals...
rofl, ettv doesn't mean anything to me atleast, I watched pretty much only some of mystic's and FeruS' games :D. I knew "all" the players in Finland 2 years ago or so.. Ofc you could have played 6 years n so, but atleast u haven't used much IRC or played on better a level than low+ 2 years ago (ofc u could be skilled now - one only needs few years to get good at a game :)) And stop saying these days, I haven't played ET for 2 or 3 months at all + I have I had a clan for over 1.5 years (after cc5). + ur CF acc is kinda new compared to your 6 years of playing, so I doubt you've played scrims for more than 2-3 years :) nothing personal, but I just hate guys who give wrong info :)
yeh ive played "etpro wars" around 3 years but pretty much after i started etpro i found good players to play at decent level ( icelands nc team guys etc. ) but yeh i have 6 years experience from this game so no false infos :D
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