Gosu Looking for A clan/ST

Hello CF,
like mentioned in the topic, im looking for a decent team to play with.

About myself:

-16 y/o
-playing ET for 5 years
-around Low+/med-
-speaking decent english and ofc. Dutch
-want to improve myself with playing mutch scrims

Well, like i already said, i want to improve myself.

About you:

-be mature
-be at least low+ skilled
-speak english or dutch
-be a stable team with at least 4 players
-have voice+gameserver
-would pref. train on ; I can play all days :)

Hope there are some teams interested in me.
contact me on Crossfire or on xfire :) ( Foreverrage<-- Xfire)
First GL : )
gl finding mutch scrim
gl, qry vAtu, he might be searching for ppl. :)
aww i thought gosu th eclan
theres a black person on your display picture
-want to improve myself with playing mutch scrims

Well, like i already said, i want to improve myself.

hes ready to improve
Good luck Sweden Gosu!
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