Vandalized looking for 5th player.

- be active
- fat fop
- around med skill
- able to speak engrish
- can't be hater, whiner, cheater or ex-cheater
- "brainded" (enigma)
- from Europe

We are looking for spanish/italian/mexican player cuz one from us study spanish : D but u can be from other country than these.

Poland Mass
Poland Lemur
Portugal ameeeN
Portugal g0dZz
Anonymous You? (Fat Fop)

Poland Stalji

#Vandalized @ QuakeNet /q vZ`Mass

EDIT (shoutout to haters):

Those guys suck, no gl.
Homer suck dicks (for money) and he's a low admin of EGU, that's the truth man.
image: homer
g0dZz low- max
No, no, no he's just pissed of cuz he know that he fucked up things for EGU quali..
You guys low- . And don fuck whit Homer!
You @ 1month user , take sure that you dont fuck to wrong peeps.
that 1 month user can own u ... in real life and at game : *

"When you act like you better, treatin men like mice.
That's how you get fucked up!
You better always think twice how you're livin your life cause.
That's how you get fucked up!
Get what I'm sayin"
Dude , you dunno me.
You don't know us too.. so what was ur point huh?
you are a newfagcheatingpolak

he isnt
Playing et for 5 years means i'm not newfagcheatingpolak , but u must be gay who getting satisfaction from contact with human or animal dung.
lol u are weird
Yes i'm weird dude, that's why i don't like ppl who have too much things to say..
dude let razzah be alone and quit cf community newfagcheatingpolak
OK i see, cf community, so it isnt et community more? mr. I had a lot to say at cf.
i paly versus ur team ! we r low+ med and we pwn u 4/0 ;)
go back to ur mudhut

I think you meant braindead.
wtedy jeszcze sokol byl pro teraz to pizda amatorska !!!

a niby : " w witrynach odbicia ja sie nigdy nie zmienie" nawet w tej piosence tak nawija
No nie wiem, wcale tak bardzo sie nie zmienil, raczej eskperymentowal lub eksperymentuje z dzwiekiem i flow od czasu TPWC 1. "Suto wedlin klasc na chleb..." : D
eksperymentuje to O.S.T.R.y

a sokol nagrywa plyte za plyta pierdolac na nich bzdety tylko by nagrac i zarobic kase a nie by zrobic muzyke -- juz dawno nie slyszalem od sokola dobrego kawalku / zwrotki - jedynie ta z kubanczykami mu wyszla -- ale to tylko dlatego bo byl na urlopie i znow sie zaja muzyka a nie innymi sprawami

Spojrz na to tez ze on nagrywa rap od 20 lat... tyle ile on zwrotek nagral i ile bitow wysluchal...
cwiartke z tego co ostry albo i jeszcze mniej ale -- kazdemu swoje

kiedys uwelbialem sokola terz nawet plyty nie kupuje :)
nice, using my tag :((

you mean brained or braindead?
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