need 3rd

Little history first. Last 1,5 years of my ET career I have been playing with my loved Finland enSam. After last 6on6 clan, where I played with him, Finland Cyberian Cygnets, fell in the dark shadows of inactiveness (blame war§ow), I haven't had any interest to play 6on6. Since that we have been last couple of weeks playing 3on3s with different finnish guys as 3rd. While we have been playing those matches we have got more interest to play 3on3 ET seriously. We are gonna make a 3on3 clan to play 3on3 officials. Lineup is yet decided, it looks like this:

Finland puzzle (me)
Finland enSam
Europe <to be recruited>

So, what we except of u?
- Activity. We both play several matches a day, and we want to play them with u.
- Attitude. We really want to succes and get some achievements as 3on3 clan. We except u the same.
- 3on3 skill. We have kinda a lot of experience in 3on3 matches, and we have been playing with each other so long time, we got a very nice teamwork between us, and we need an intelligent 3on3 player to complete the lineup with us.
- Language O_o. Since we are both finnish and 16 years old, and we write and read english daily, we can manage with english or finnish speaking guy.

If u are interested in joining us, contact @ quakenet:
puzzle^ (preferred)

You can find both of us at #CyberianCygnets.