PhAz cless

im looking for a skilled team, though, i would rather choose for a lower skilled team that already exists for a while, then another 2 weeks experiment.

im playing ET for like 3 years now, played rifle in all my ex clans, but smg is okay too. Some more info is in my profile.

/q PhAz` at #team-jote
PhAz is gay olé olé !
<PhAz`> hm, low+ denk ik zo
zeg je over je zelf :D
gl :D
PhAz sup met del6 ?
dood imo

<3 phaz though
gl dude

great shot
nice guy gl :)
gl m8 :>
gl phaz
Quote played rifle in all my ex clans

not really

maar btw alweer een poging wagen?
je ben wel een hoppertje :P
gl PhAz
gl phazinat0r
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