
Hi everyone..
I am looking for a clan..

Information about me:
- Belgium the Dutch part.. also my english is very good..
- I'm 17 years old, I will be 18 soon.. from that moment i'll be lanable.
- class: multiclass - even can play rifle if needed!!
- I'm stable & probably sometimes 'to' serious about the clan
My only problem is that I mostly can't play @ tuesday & thursday. (soccer)
- I can talk hours into the night about tax and faults in the tax etc..
- I'm med+ skilled, when I feel comfortable in a clan & I know my position,
I can grow to high skill, I think..
- My last clan was

The clan should be:
- Very stable, I hate 2weeks, even 2months is too short =)
- I would like the clan to be med+ or higher (real skill, not crossfire skill)
- There should be fun next to the gaming ;-))

I think that is all, if you have more question, or an offer you can Pm me by crossfire or in IRC at the random channels etc.. (nick: morphii`cless)

I would like to see no flame, gl is accepted =)) Thx <3
hallo ecklav!!

how are u?? :D
Hi Generalz :P
ur 2 recent journals speak for itself :/
gl anyway...
u just pwned him ^^
in africaans morphy "gay"

change the i to y :)
Hi ecklav, found any good cheats lately?
welcome in the paranoia world =//
I'm not paranoid, I just hate cheaters... especially those who lie.
wtf you hate ET !
No I don't.

QuoteI was however planning to quit gaming & I wanted to tell this community you should do something about the cheating thingy, it is no fun playing against it & trust.. also not if you play with it.
Good luck
waarom nieuwe account maken? nep zeg :x
Get skill morphii thanks.

Everyone knows you |-| /-\ ( |<

Lol, what happened? Things didn't work out with :{?
Or did they finally find out you cheat?
lol vindicater? weet je wat.. ik heb nog demo's van jou liggen, dus voor jij begint te praten zou ik zwijgen.. hé fusen?

lol morphi, ik ken u zelfs ni, maar als gij spawntime weet zonder da ze sterven of selfkillen stel ik mij vragen... hé fusen? ;-)
No shit sh0rl0ck, only 20 ppl have said it before you ;-)
moar ale jannet u loopt mij hennig tegen te steken
hey je steelt m'n zeto bind !
=D lekker dier
it was me saying it 20 times ;)
MORPHII = Friend ecklav =/
Sommige mensen weten de spawntime wanneer iemand uittapt, of wanneer ze ergens aankomen.. het is simpel te zien.. maar je moet het willen =))
ik herken je stem uit de 1000
doe geen moeite ecklav
Quote by Vindicatormaar als gij spawntime weet zonder da ze sterven of selfkillen

Dus probeer nog eens ;-)
Sommige mensen hebben een bril nodig om iemand te zien uittappen, selfkillen of sterven :)
Mja, we gaan dit gwn niet in een flamewar laten ontaarden, laten we het gewoon op GL houden :D
yes & no that's not cheating..
chaplja says its bot, get it?
gl hf maight
another nickname ? :/
how can you make anti-cheater journals while beeing a cheater?! xD
olol and nice commenting on your journal with other nick rofl
just stfu bunch of retards idiots

gl morphii
When ecklav quits ET 2 month ago:
"I cheat because I wanted to prove how easy it is"
Not only did he get busted and banned, he also made the clan look bad.

"Im looking for a clan"
First of all, he is a cheater (dont think he uses anything now - but if you are dumb enough to use cheats in a clanwar - then you shouldnt be allowed to play anymore). Second of all, he is banned for 1 year, but apparently he used guidspoof or smth.
Dude - take ur penalty - really!

I was really good friend with Falke "ecklav aka morphii" Vanoppen. But he fucked our clan when using hax - and he lied to us about it. Then I dont tollerate it at all.
ecklav is taking his penalty..
I'm a reallife friend - I don't think he deserves a 1 year penalty!!
ecklav is here alot & when he plays ET, he gots skill.. (yes without hax).. (he told me he still loves you ;-))

I hope this community won't hate me for being a rl friend of a cheat0r!
Just go with: "it was eclav my irl friend who was haxing @ my pc while I was @ toilet!"
it only makes u look like a retard by lying about this

u should have thought about it before u cheated
i know u regret it but no mercy anymore

i can forgive 1 time but not 2 times
look like you are the leader of a retard fanboyclub , aren't you? how you know he cheat? you are rly stupid generalz soz.
He was busted, but now he is back... with dynamic IP, new ETpro and PBguids \o/
i've been on ventrilo with this morphii guy and i can tell u 100% sure he's ecklav (i've played with ecklav for a long time)

u couldn't know that ofcourse so i forgive u
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