Adacore's AEF

So, AEF is rapidly approaching, I'm back playing ET, and since I'm not going to be running the damn tournament I want to play for once!

This gives me two options, so I'm going to present both of them and see where they take me.

Option 1 - I'm available to play at AEF, so recruit me!
  • I like to think I'm reasonably good (was at the low end of 'high skill' back in 2007), but I'm pretty rusty right now.
  • I prefer medic these days, but can fops/eng or rifle if really needed.
  • I used to be a half-decent team leader, and I'm good at tactics.
  • Placed 3rd at CDC3 with SRP.
  • Can play pretty much every day, but would prefer no more than 3 nights a week (could do 4 tho).
  • Can pay for myself.
  • I want a good team, with good comms, teamplay, &c. Decent skill is optional, but would be nice. I can't stand teams full of rambos who don't talk or do teamplay.

So ye, PM me and stuff.

Option 2 - I'm sure there are plenty of decent people searching, so how about I build a team!

If you're interested in joining such a team, PM me either here or on irc (#crossfire, #impact.gaming), if I'm on. If I get enough interest I might start something up, possibly under the Organised Chaos name. Roughly the same conditions above apply - I'd want people who can play fairly actively (~3 pracs a week), with good comms and teamplay.
good luck
Goodluck! Will be relaxing to not organize and have people whining your head off for once and just play some ET I guess :)
Indeed - the only LAN I played at (CDC3) I didn't really enjoy that much because I was so busy worrying about the admin side. I'm hoping I can just chill and have fun at this one! :D
Good Luck
nice teamnader on bio, gl <3 :D
good luck
May the fun be with you!
gl ada nice to see you there :)
Good luck, he did a great job at cic7 <3 :D
Goodluck. Hopefully you will something.
Just say you're med+
gl man !
Organised Chaos was awesome
<3 Hellogat :)
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