'n'Genius repost

'n'Genius is searching for a decent 6th player for the team. May be, or not, backup.

So we need you to be:

-Solid medium skill
-Able to speak decent english
-Experienced damage dealer as medic

We are:

-Solid medium skill team
-Mature and active everyday expect weekends @ night
-Willing to improve and make our project grow

We have server and ventrilo.


Portugal'n' marcelino
Netherlands'n' meck
Netherlands'n' ynkk
Sweden'n' kAviar
Poland'n' fuxor

Europe'n' you?

We need trials for today around 19CET or so.

Contact me here or /q n`marcelino @ #'n'Genius
gl. looking forward from hearing you.
'n' me as lu player
good luck again strider.

ps - nunca ouvi falar de nenhum desses :/
kzie het lijk al drijven
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