aDman coming out of the closet

Since Germany coOles left us ages ago, and we're kinda focused on zeh OC, 4th player wasn't a big need, but it seems like now when the OC is almost over we kinda need it since we can't find time to be all the three online except of OC matches :p

About us
- 3v3 Team
- Skilled, stable, mature, funny guys.
- Got serv & vent and zeh stuff
- Atm playing OC 2nd div - semi finals (match @ tue), CB ladder (not that active), one day cups sometimez
- Lineup is Israel Res, Slovenia verunA & Poland aDman (lowskilled cunt)

About you

- Skilled and experienced in the format:
Atm we aren't playing premier but as you may understand we've not put ourselves in the 2nd, all of the players in the team have played premier before and we're aiming just for premier

- Be available sometimes.. you know..
- We must know you. or at least we've heard of you.

message Res (not adman, just NOT adman)

take karrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrddddddddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeee heard he's really good
Did you met my parents or a couple of liar?
Thanks :p, lol
I wasen't out for 3 weeks, I was learning maths, etc. I fail, troll myself :> Joy
LoEkInO, were art thou?
goot lack adman =]]]] (uberskilled cunt) :D
veruna dej najd si ene normalne =)
QuoteaDman (lowskilled cunt)


Jew playing with polak. What a nonsense! Good luck, resi <3
heard u should take me
wingman <3
gl res :)
adWHO?? get a 5on5 team going tbh m8
lol aDman is low :pPPpPPpPPpppPPPPPPPPpppPPPPPpPpPp
Gl Ressi =]
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