VivaZ "did not get kicked"


2on2 ladder wars are so much fun.. especially when someone gets kicked for multihack

our opponents were guchy and VivaZ. the latter got kicked for a multihack after we talked them into enabling pb for a while in the beginning of the war.

ClanBase link:


the last 4 letters of his newest GUID don't match to the one he got kicked with. however, his previous GUID is a match (efc7 on the screenshot and on the pbguid)
the current GUID on cb actually looks as if he just had changed a couple of characters in case something like this should happen.

(link to their cb page
guid list of another team in which he plays (he removed previous one) pokémon! gotta catch 'em all

by the way, does anyone know if PunkBuster is still a must in ladder offis.. the rules state that
QuotePunkBuster is required, although the cvarlist should be empty. These are the settings to be used:

* pb_sv_enable
* pb_sv_cvarempty
* pb_sv_kicklen 1

but everyone seems to be playing without pb because of "major lagg" (which was vivaz's "reason" too)

Quote by VivaZ i didnt get kicked... can we change pb off now?

Edit: I failed to find anything about him on yawn. only tried with one guid though

Edit2: he deleted the cb team. screenshot to that:
and here is the proof ^^ told you Gali and rest
heh.. I don't mean to bring you down or anything but I have no idea if this "proof" is actually legit.. I just felt like making the post and I really hope he does get banned if he already isn't on some other account

nice offi though, I had fun! =D
I like the random low shit quote.
the almighty punkbuster.
sup hazz
ai moi.. joko on AP puhki kulutettu?
ei toki, kyl hakattavaa löytyy viel joku 500 mappia :D
hah.. pitäs joskus käydä siel kans pyörähtämäs
PB must be turned on if either team requests it. If both team agree, offi can be played without pb right?
That's how I understood it too, but some players claim that pb can only be turned on if both teams agree
Nah, if you want pb on = pb must be on. if oppo wants pb on and u dont = pb must be on

u get me!
Mä en ymmärtäny :D luin kyl vaa kerran, mut toi oli vissii joku semmone arvoitukse tapaane et pitää lukee monta kertaa.

jos toinen haluaa etta pb on paalla

pb pitaa laittaa paalle.
tiän mut mitä sä sekoilet, vähä vaikeesti selitetty på engelska : D
huomasin ittekki x)
nice job hazz
no pb, cheats allowed :]
i told ya =) obv wh
kenn ich nich
played with guchy and vivaz yesterday, vivaz obvious 3k dmg more than me :((
PBguid log

6 May 2010 21:30 ****5902efc7 new internet
Quote by randompolak
OK Killerboy, now You can gives him ban...
that quote made me facepalm
hahaa vivazz LOL GREAT news !
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