New PC Help Needed with RAM!

I'm finally giving in as my 5 year old PC is on the verge of blowing up by purchasing a new computer however I'm stuck on what RAM to buy therefore need your help. The current build of my new computer is the following:

The memory I'm looking at is between the following two:

Purchase two of thse 6gb Kits:


Purchase one of these 6gb kits:

I have absolutely no idea on how to overclock therefore most likely won't be overclocking anything unless I find someone else to do it, and I heard something about some memory has to be played with in BIOS for it to actually run at the top speeds? So tell me which you would go for, or any others you feel would be better!

Thanks for reading if you did, and thanks for any replies I get:)
how much will that cost? (total)
£2000 but has no RAM.
hmmz a lot of money :D
i bought a pc last year and it was around 1000 € and i can do anything with it.
you wont need 6gb -.-

get less with better timings
i7 9xx serie is triple channel. I would take 3x2GB even if its a small boost. Timings aren't that important for Intel.
Personally, if you're not planning on playing around with it I'd just save your money and get something like You should have no need for 12GB of RAM tbh, unless you're doing some really heavy-duty computational modelling or something. RAM is the easiest thing to expand later, so if you do decide you need more, that's no problem at all either.

(Actually, that's literally exactly what I did, I have that RAM myself).
Thanks a lot man, I'll probably just go with that then :). I only plan on using it for some image editing (as some pictures are usually around the 2GB mark) and gaming (quakelive).
The fuck would you buy two 6gb kits? Nobody needs 12gb of ram, don't see why you'd need 6 either tbh.
I've changed it to 6GB now :P.
You won't need 2 cards in Crossfire. It's useless
850W ? you are kidding
With 1 graphic card you should buy 500-550W max
kingston sucks ass
true, thats why i delete them ;)
got the 1066 ddr2 from them and they're really unstable, on both a msi and asus board, gonna buy some crucial prolly, dont really have allot of info on decent new ram atm but the have micron chips, Fuck yea. -.-
kingston is one of the most reliable and biggest brands.
That you just have bad kit doesnt mean they suck.
Did you even test them with memtest? Did you had the right voltage and timmings set in bios. Did you even look at your motherboard compatibility list? All brands have faults in there memory its part of the proces. I had problems with OCZ/Corsair/G.Skill does that mean they are bad brands?


I must be wearing Birkenstock's cuz I stand corrected. NOT

Sticking with my opinion, Kingston are cheap mofo's.
Did you had Value or HyperX
Dude Kingston is by no means a bad company, as he said its by chance you probably got some bad sticks. I have not had a enough experience in the market to give a truly trusted opinion I guess, but all the sticks I have been from Kingston, OCZ and PNY (it was cheap and a super tight budget >_<) have all performed beyond expectations. Its definitely a game of chance.
Hmm well about OCZ, I had some problems with it. (might also be just because of putting too much volts on them) They still live atm however, when I take em out of the mainboard and switch them or something, the PC wont boot for the first 10 times :D
Might also be the combination of the DFI Lanparty, because thats also a weird bastard :P
Was some OCZ Gold VX 170€ set btw :XXX

For my new pc (old by now again) I bought some Corsair set at first, but when I flashed my bios one stick was like dead or something, when I tried to install windows it gave me bsod's and reading errors for the cd etc :S Luckily I could swap em for another set, picked Kingston tho, just to be sure because it was also on Asus' qualified blabla list and OCZ wasn't, but I guess that all didn't matter because a few weeks later Asus added on their site 'WARNING: Please use AWDflash for flashing this bios' to the one that I already flashed, with the Asus flash tool :D
Lol that sucks, my OCZ uhhh Platinum Rev. 2 DDR2 800 CL5 iirc I got originally ran 4-4-4-12 @ 854 or so just fine with like +..1v at most, added a pair of PNY ram, thought that was gonna fuck it up, but nope running strong at 4-4-4-12 854 or so, I'm pleased haha. I have put Kingston in 2 of my friend's computers I built for them iirc, both ran perfectly stable.
Why not ATI radeon 5970?
5870 > 5970

Here is a list, the top writing is in german but the rest is pretty clear anyway ;)
well Gemb is kinda right.
2 GFX card [crosfire or w/e its called i forgot] isnt really worth it. it doesnt give such a boost that worth doubling your money.
and 2TB is 2 fucking much xD
Whilst I'd agree to a point, it depends what the guy wants it for, and if he can afford to spend an extra few hundred quid for the little bit of a performance gain.
Thats true, but still nowdays if you have these few extra quids wait couple of weeks till a new gfx card with new uber capability gets released...
The fact hardware is "old" after couple of months drives me crazy buts that the reality today.
Always been the case, hardware moves quickly. I know I don't have the interest or money to keep up with it, but as you say the fact is, you'll always get something better for the same money two months later.
Is 40% a little bit?
Depends on how much money you want to spend. All relative.
If you got so much money get the Corsair obsidian case and install some nice watercooling and then just buy the cheapest i9 and oc the shit out of it, also I doubt you'll be needing crossfire, 12gb of ram or a 850w psu . Hf either way :>
lose the i7 930 , its over priced and if u compare it to the i7-920 its nearly as good (especcially for overclocking) get 6 GB 1600MHz its more then fast enough (timing should i guess be 8-8-8-24?) i would lose the SSD card and get a smaller one for it back (these things are€€€€ ) the intel x25 40GB should do fine and get instead of 2TB f3 disk one 1tb f3 disk or maybe 2 if u actualy need 2 tb. The 2Tb disks seem to be slower then the 1TB. install OS/games on SSD , dump the rest on f3 Disks.

As many said before u can drop the 2x 5870's to one. These cards are beasts and its far from needed to Crossfire them (JET) in the future it would be nice to do this but then these cards are way cheaper and there for better to invest THEN. Aswell if u drop 1 GFX card u can get a smaller (550-600W) PSU . Latest thing i would like to add if u re planing on spendig this much money get a different case. (antec 902?) or a Li-an Li case or smth .

Thanks a lot for your comment mate. I've changed the processor to i7 920 now:)
np any more questions il see what i can do:P
I would take one HD5870 unless you are playing above full HD resolution.
I would take corsair/seasonic/enermax/coolermaster powersupply since Antec had a lot of problems in the past with power supplies blowing up.
And i would take silent case fans like Scythe Gentle Typhoon for your case, because you are also using watercooling so i think you want silence right?
Tak 3x2GB from good brand thats compatible with your motherboard.
Also that watercooling isnt that good comparing to high end air cooling. Unless you go for silence.
I wouldnt take Ecogreen, but just normal F3 since that one is faster.
bought as package = probably already overclocked near max
Get a cheaper soundcard and a normal graphics card. Lightning series are overpriced shit. Actually you'll do just fine with one 5870. But sure if you have the money and you want even more eyecandy on the latest games buy a CrossFire set. And a 650-700 W power supply should be enough.
i have to say that seems a bit overkill if you are mainly playing qlive : D
i agree that 6gb will do you fine however -_-
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