FIXED: Demos on MAC!


I have been playing ET on my mac since my return to the scene 2 month ago. But now my team wants to play officials, where it is needed to record demos.

The problem is though, that ET SAYS that it records a demo, showing size and all, but there is no folder in my ET folder called demos.

I tried creating this folder, but after a game, there is still no demos in it.
I know it records demos, since if i go into the game, and press ETPro, and demos - i can see my demos there. But i need to get them out, so i can upload to CB if needed.

I've tried my friend google, but without real luck.

Anyone had experience with it?

Thank you in advance!

w1Za fixed it. thank you
how are you playing ET on mac? crossover? bootcamp?
theres a mac version too..
On which ETPro is not fully supported..

How do you actually do it because on my iMac running OSX it is choppy as hell and Boot Camp isn't really much of an option
I've installed ET from the dmg, installed ETPro and updated pb - thats all. It runs clean, both on my iMac and MacBookPro.
Which versions iMac and MBP? I constantly get r_ ATI errors which makes the game go choppy
I can play ET with constant 60FPS on my MacBook (late 2009, C2D 2,26GHz, 2GB Ram, GF9400M) but it got stuck in a loop when loading Braundorf_bX. (iMac i7 is working like a charm both Win and Mac OS)
Ok strange, I can't run it smoothly on my i7 iMac
hmmm, when i'm getting home i can upload my config if you want.
I have no internet at home for 6-8 weeks 8D
you poor guy :<
I know :(

SLAC coming etc you know
I've been using ubuntu for a few years before i changed to Mac, and i had to problem here.
hd/user/yourname/Library/Application Support/Wolfenstein ET/etpro/demos
are you playing with USB Overdrive - is it any good? Or do you just arrange with the shitty mac accel?
Thank you w1za! It worked! There they are. Just dont understand why they are not found when i search, since i've tried searching on the exact filename.

I'm playing with the "Shitty accel" :D
Only dif is open console is on "<" and i cant use "^" ingame, so colors must be set in config.
yeah, found the console after searching for 3days or so :D

the shitty accel is what is currently scaring me to play ET on mac os. just have to try it obviously - but i can definetely recommend USB Overdrive it feels like DirectInput.
xaxaxaxaxa mac.

you actually got time between posting gay pics on deviantart and uploading failzor-vids on utube?
Skandinavia BlaZeR

What w1Za said.
they're saving in hidden et folder but i dont exactly know where cause i dont use MAC (only linux)!, but structure is pretty similiar.

E: What w1za said.
since when doesn't mac have it's own et system?
as far as I remember you can't go to normal servers
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