Sponsoring o_O

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After Internet Heroz failed,we are looking for a new 5o5 team.We wont take a new created team!


should be a stable, skilled and friendly team.You should play atleast OC 2nd division but playin Prem or EC would be a big plus.


Friendly ET Clan, since Jan 2008.
We can sponsor you a 18 Slot ET Server, 5 Bouncers, Teamspeak 3 or Ventrilo (2.1)
No Lan Support


~ everything you can read above should fit
~ include #outlaw.et in your tag
~ use the server, voiceserver and bnc
~ no haxxxors


* epicAimers
* Lost^Soldiers
* 3 outlaw-gaming teams (carebear,cuntmasters,wannaB)

~Former Sponsorships~

* innersense
* nSens
* [*EU*] United Soldiers of Europe
* iH' (internet heroz)


pm me here at cf

regards bitch

http://www.outlaw-gaming.de oOutlaw Gaming
We wont take a new created neither a 2o2 or 3o3 team!

does this mean you take old and stable 2o2 teams?????
nope...we dont take a new created 5o5 team and no 2o2/3o3 team even if they were stable for years.but alot of ppl asking me every time bout a sponsorship for 2o2 3o3 teams.just looking for a nice 5o5 team.
sponsor 2on2 pls
:-* thx mate
Gl! nice of you guys to keep sponsoring an ETteam!
nice to see such a commitment to ET :-)
good luck mates:)
Bitch lass mich n cod4 team machen :c
ich bin dabei :D 8-9h cod4 erfahrung :DDDD

yeah yeah OHSAM!!!

add mich mal wieder xfire : boss234
i thought the logo said: OLNLAW GAMING...
gl bitch pwner
gl Soldier "Bitch" Nazi :D
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