need help with ET

hey guys I just innstalled ET again and wanted to play a bit, downloaded everything and updated, but when I want to join a server I get in and after 1 second I get kicked by PB for not having some O/S privliges, this only happens when I want to join ETPro servers.

Anyone know what to do?
Run pbsetup.exe ( if you have vista / win 7 - run it as adminstator)
i only get

***ERROR from web server: 302 found

dont know what that means
are you the teezer that played with LoRK? :o
yes thats me:)
haha, nice! wish i could help but i cant :(
yeah well :P do i know you btw :P?
yea i used to play in NRG with reac, b*rd, dkill, woot, gtx, ares, all that lot! :P
must not .... forget ... kevin
this is true =)
'Run' - 'services.msc' - Find pbkB and pbkA and enable remote deskop & do pbsetup.exe should fix it.
I cant find pbkA nor pbkB
Stop doing what these guys have instructed you to do and run pbsvc.exe to install the Punkbuster systemcomponents properly. They're usually fucked up by default.
where do you find pbsvc.exe? I dont have any file with that name
First link in google. Run it as admin.

And no, contrary to what every Anonymous here would tell you, you don't need to and should not run ET as admin on Vista or Seven.

Also, install ET to anywhere but C:\Program files or C:\Program files (x86). Preferably like C:\Games\Enemy Territory or onto another hard drive/partition.
I still cant fix it :<
you need to be admin ( pc user admin)
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