
Well first of all just a little introduction.
You might not know me but my old name was Belgium brAd from rev2,Prodigy gaming & seekNdestroy.
Well probably you guys are wondering why the name change.. Well there is allready a danish brad & I was kinda sick of that name so I've changed it , that's the reason.
If you don't believe me, just yawn me & you'll see I've never been banned for suspicious reason..

Since i'm back in the scene and allready played some practice matches with some lads from the old days & bit having fun on public I was considering to search for a team.
Just a 3o3 team or maybe a 5o5 would be nice.. Depends on you guys..
Would be nice to have some matches with some mature & skilled guys tho..

Some info

Name: Fuzze
Age: 20
Country: Belgium
Experience: Played ET since 2006 untill 2007/08 been out for a year and half & now i'm back..
Prefered class: medic / field ops
Skill: Well I would say , just pm me & find it out..
Comms: Got it all

Well that's all for now.. Need some more info?

/q fuzze @ #crossfire or #aestas


Pm me on crossfire...

Shouts to: spiROZE, Worm, Trixor, Boogie, brad, duKe_, mAus, Undead, Alvo, rezta & the others that I forgot <3

In before gl fuzz :XD
gl Latvia fuzz
gl oldschooler!
I remember u! Hf!
gl fuzze, seems to be a nice guy :=)
goodluck brad, awesome guy :>
gl brad!
gooodluck. i love ur picture :o
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