CPC #2..

hello community,

Im looking for a clan who are aiming to attend CPC#2 competitively.

I am not looking for a mix-team but for a team who is are planning to attend but have a player who wont be able to make it or who isnt 100% able to.

im offering:

- skilled gamer (good comms, aim etc.)

- availability to attend (duh)

- anal condoms..

(previous clans: zenith.black t34 Russian-NC Team overdose(sub))

pm @ #x3 or #et.ru
instead of saying gl help him out? thanks
try #vis
wannabe !

team-zenith and t-34 are not skilled clans. Med+ on a good day so plz

P.S if u arent in ET-top u dont exist
if thats your pic at profile, please leave internets
and u look like ?

let me quess, u look like a wannabe
You look like a retarded 12 year old Polish kid. Oh wait, you are.
viax my arrogant lover.. hi :)
hoi meighT, gL searching. :O)
just like a retarde german
First of all, try learning English and use a dictionary to find the correct spelling of your mental condition. Furthermore, I am not German, just like you aren't intelligent enough to comprehend the fact that you're not wanted on this site.

Go play Tibia or pokemon and get lost, you're blocking my sunlight.
you're blocking my sunlight.

"You haven't seen sunlight for 4 years, nerd"
You were barely born 4 years ago, I don't think you're the right person in the right place to make assumptions about other people.
i lolled :)
We love you Dusty!!!
Good luck!
i am just telling the truth
atm nothing, but i promise there will be a lot.....

let's wait for this to happen, then talk, shall we?
sssh he thinks he is in the pubirty.
He's to fill his achievements box first
dl dustje
Age: 13 ( 24 July 1993 )
Night cant go with idle, pm them nP
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