Krein AEF

Can go to aef (and would like to). I'll have a lot of free time soon so praccing is not a problem. Ain't gonna join a team with no chance of getting to playoffs so please don't spam me with those kind of offers. Haven't been active since CIC7 (which I pwned hard - 3rd place yay!) but now I feel like wasting some more time on ET again :p Pretty much played every class on every position on every map ever played in any competition in ET.

Msg me here, irc@ or #crossfire or send me a msg on esl site (hardcore option ;)).
noob pl gl :)
and you are going to dodge another lan aint ya? :D
what do you expect ? he would even dodge a lan in his own garden.
viens me faire un ptit coucou heinnn
i will be at AEF np
gl teacher
gl nice guy, ego sometimes comes over you though!
no JB?

JB as in Jungle Brothers or what do you mean?
Yeah - they're the sort of team that could use a pole like you!
they already have one pole and i dont think they would ever take another one. Also one of the yermans doesnt like me I think. Would love to try to play with a team like them though :)
amazing player.

deserves top3 team forsure.

gl mate.
thank you very much :)
No image: pl tMoe at lan?
Gl nice skilled player :).
gl, hope to see you there
hope to see you in a less horizontal position ;)
Good luck man, shame Tmoe aren't going to be honest, we all saw their potential at CC7!
well thats the thing with polaks. They cant manage to keep a team alive for more than 1-2 lans :)
gl skillet player
good player, shame u can be a cock. GL.
good luck m8
FiF, oh wait

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