Do euros like britian?

By euros i mean europeans that are non british, we brits still seem to cal you guys euros and us brits!!. You speak our language (very well i must say, better than even most of us!), but i seem to get the "vibe" in many servers that many euros may not like the brits very much?? We have been leaders in many things over the centuries....hmmm
Not in football obviously :D
I hate Wayne Roonny!
Not in football obviously :D
i got "vibe"
hey european boi, hihih
Strange Humour + annoying accents + disgusting beer, besides that you're pretty ok I guess. Oh and steering wheels on the right side are fucking retarded.
do u like polaks ?
Funnely enough i do like polaks! and i like polak beer and women! I also like the way polaks stood strong during WWII !
plz calm down mister british!
you weren't leading in too much, sorry :D
we clean your toilets for 4 pounds per hour ;o so we dont like it..
Iceland?? Don't you owe use like billions of pounds?
u are the leaders??? WTF
there is, was and will be only one fuhrer.
“ein volk, ein reich, ein fuhrer” !

Hitler.. What a leader
lol , you're complaining bout such tiny shit? Not even we germans complaint bout you guys calling us nazi -.-

why are you named after a HM Revenue and Customs Official Document you douche.
Leader in what?
Drinking tea?
Hiding on an island during wars?
QuoteDwightSchrute on 18/06/10, 23:36:44

Hiding on an island during wars?

WhaaaaaaaaT ?
Hiding indeed

image: spitfires

We rolled the skies \o/
and the sea for quite some time :p
I'd rather people not talk to me than call me British or European ;-)
And cunts who come play gigs in Newport etc and say GOOOOOOOOD EVENINGGGGGG ENGLAND

just fu !_!
Punch those niggers in the chops bruv
i would 110% agree! i class british as being english wich im obviousbly not.
I love people from the uk (most of them atleast)
I just hate arrogance.
evey brit has an ego and thinks they're the best.
British tend to be arogant pricks who look down on other people. Also I do not understand why you keep the monarchy. Apart from beeing on stamps and waving to people during holidays the Queen isn't really doing anything is she?

You're lucky you have a good taste of humour that saves your ass :)
Keep the queen for diplomatic reasons and for the tourism, nothing like the yanks having a 'day trip' to see a palace!

image: London-Buckingham-Palace-1-AZ444KIP7X-1280x960
i hate that english people are so fucking arrogant and whine too much...yh i hate you stokezz
well, some of the brits are pretty arrogant, but I got nothing against the brits, just don't especially like them more than some other euro guys either :P
Though, it's fun to laugh over britain's failures in every sports because they always make such a big fuzz about it if they lose
British are arrogant pricks who still think they own the world because they (and by they i mean England) won the WC in 1966
Of course we like Britain, friends of Holand!!!!! Iceland bitches stole our money!!!
NO EU for you...
have to agree with that, Holland is the most Brit friendly nation in EU ...
All a bunch of twats anyway...I'm from England (but strong Scottish background) living in Germany. Brits abroad are just embarrassing fools..
and germans arent sun bed stealing BO smelling hairy women rude bellends? :D
Finns call others as euros as well.
do euro like polax?
does anyone?
if u meet polak in real life, its highly possible u like him very much
but ze internetz?
the polaks i have met irl just seem to be confrontational and quite rude tbh
some rednecks maybe :-)
image: edenattacksukday808
britain you said ?
i dont think i've ever used the term euros before.
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