Do euros like britian?
By euros i mean europeans that are non british, we brits still seem to cal you guys euros and us brits!!. You speak our language (very well i must say, better than even most of us!), but i seem to get the "vibe" in many servers that many euros may not like the brits very much?? We have been leaders in many things over the centuries....hmmm
there is, was and will be only one fuhrer.
Hitler.. What a leader
why are you named after a HM Revenue and Customs Official Document you douche.
Drinking tea?
Hiding on an island during wars?
WhaaaaaaaaT ?
We rolled the skies \o/
And cunts who come play gigs in Newport etc and say GOOOOOOOOD EVENINGGGGGG ENGLAND
just fu !_!
I just hate arrogance.
You're lucky you have a good taste of humour that saves your ass :)
Though, it's fun to laugh over britain's failures in every sports because they always make such a big fuzz about it if they lose
NO EU for you...
but ze internetz?
britain you said ?