Charge for summercup!

Hello Anonymous,

I'm searching a new team because I didn't have a lot of fun at my previous team.

NetherlandsSome things about me:
  • Medium skill.
  • 15 years old.
  • Serious when needed.
  • Prefer medic.

About you:
  • Stable med skill.
  • Existing teams prefered, new project depends on a few things.
  • Must speak Netherlands/United Kingdom.
  • Ventrilo/Teamspeak Gameserver is not a must.

XFIRE: BU1L3TS / HERE ON Anonymous

Thanks in advance.

You have to play 5o5 Summercup!
By the way, I'm avi everyday untill 23:00 CET.


image: HotChickInPinkPanties
succes knul
succes knaap
gL Charge, kleine vriend :)
gl charge :)
don't click on the CHICK

its a virus
gl Charge ; )
always the same chick ;d
but shes nice tbh!
Gl lekkerding van me :D :*
Post those pics you get.
cool post, gl
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