repost #999

Hello, im tired of looking stable and skilled team so here is the little info:

Skilled, experienced(lan pruf), using brain,usefull for team, can handle all classes, mature bla bla bla

contact irc prism @ #tabloid-junkies or xfire : prismje

See you!
good player, gl
QuoteHello, im tired of looking stable and skilled team so here is the little info:

so what you're saying is, you're looking for unstable/lowskilled teams now? :(
im just saying that im tired of looking a teams like that, not that i dont want one
gdyby nie ten ego moglbys zosta kims w tej grze ;) ale i tak zycze ci powodzenia ! :)
nie potrzebuje diagnoz ze mam 'ego' tylko teamu aktywnego oke?
moze jeszcze cos osiagniesz w tej grze bo to z twoejj strony syriush biznes ;d
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