need players for 5o5 summer cup

Need players for 5on5 Summer Cup.

What we want?
- Active
- Must have mic ; vent/ts3
- Shud be able to play @ North american time atleast 2 hours.
- Skill; MEDium/+ we want
- Stable

About us?
Team Europe
#team.inf & let the @ ppl know u want to join the team
Or pm here..
who are you
brb laughing
no just no
people must love team.inf's hackers <3
Hello TriZzle :)
lol we hacker we not even inf's so hahaha up u ya dafty
1) u good english
2) u med+ skill
3) u is cheater me mad
1 + 2 + 3 = chocapic whith a nice surprise.....GTFO
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