skilled smg for SC

So johnny is looking for some decent team to play in first/second league of the CB summer cup this year, some infos about him: fop/medic/engi smg if really needed, great team worker, could of be team leader.
past teams:
Europe miAmi
Europe dark&beyond
Hungary overdose
Austria cdap.defect
Europe exitium - [ext3]
Pretty active, can play around 4 days per week, could be a great backup player for your team aswell.
contact at
url fail ;[
ye thats why i delete it xd
contact woody or domi at #target, eng/smg & teamleader
still not overdose
CA isn't the same as ET
good luck johnny
cheaterlover !

gl tho.
gl johnny, your maybe overrating yourself a bit when saying 1st. 2nd would be better, hf.
2nd div max
he got too much ego
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