In need of a moviemaker, yet again.

Hi Crossfire !

Yet again, another one of the moviemakers that has started working on my frag movie has failed to complete the movie.

Here's a list of few of the moviemakers that has failed to deliver:

Netherlands Testi (lack of time due to school/university), United Kingdom beggin (hdd crash), Finland moff (real life issues, lack of time and motivation), Finland reltu (lack of motivation), and the latest addition, Israel drj3w/hypro/sYmph. (lack of motivation)

So therefore, I'm searching for a new moviemaker to finally break the bad luck I've had with moviemakers and complete the movie once and for all!

As you can guess already, _MOST_ of the frags are sorted and uploaded already, I've also cut the demos using the #ultraviolet MediaManager tool so it will be easy to watch and faster to download, you can get to work even today if you'd like.

My frags contain lots of headshots, not random backraping or 2body shots each kill etc.. only versus the top teams including (, TLR, H2k, vae, Impact, one4one, snbatallion and so on..) some panzer shots, funny parts, knifes, clutch moments, sniping and a lot more.

For more information regarding the movie contact me here or at #accurate if I'm on.

Thanks, Israel destiny. ;)
gl dededededestiny :D
good luck
gl jeefapowner :_D
Be azlaha
I don't like his editing style / quality / colors. :(
just trying to help a fellow jew :<
I can do it. :P
nP ;) love your moviez
I could seriously put some effort into it but I guess you will find better ones. :D
put some effort! :)
Make your own, conehead.
no time due to army :<
gl destiny
Quotebeggin (hdd crash)

the best excuse ever
Jere 2010 is by hypro not by Ice*Q. :\
I know :x, but lawliet has uploaded it :)
songname of the first one. btw nice movies
no id soz :<
who knows. I really want to have it
Stop saying stuff like "best moviemaker atm" if you've no idea what you are talking about.


2nd link is not the best way to promote a friend:
+ dark colours (matter of taste, but I've seen somewhere these settings... hmmm)
+ i didn't see a single frag because of that shaking thing (it's a nice AAE Plug-in tho - easy to use)

Gl destiny !
I was promoting him a lil', I know he ain't the best ... Didn't you saw the ':xxx' ?
And btw, the second one, imo you have a bad eyesight then, it's possible to see each frag. Go see a eyespecialist. I don't think lots of moviemakers have made sth like that, if he isn't the only one. There might have been others who could have done it better, dunno, but he still makes sth quite incredible doesn't he ?
Dude, I don't know how someone would like bouncing (other clips I saw), bending screen during some smg multikill. For me, he had no idea how to sync that clip and the easiest way ? Techno/Electro music + that kind of effect (randomly matching music + bouncing screen = win). I'm not saying it's bad in small quantities (it even looks cool for a moment), but for the whole clip, action, MOVIE ? About " I don't think lots of moviemakers have made sth like that" - I'm pleased to straight you out, it's AAE Plugin/Effect (don't remember now, cause i'm not familiar with AAE anymore) which means - click + set = done.

I'm not saying he's bad, someone just have to tell him that bouncing screen is not a way to sync clip.
yes i've noticed the bouncing is rather unenjoyable for alot of ppl and i've found myself a different way to sync without this effect :þ
That's what I'm talking about ! Looking forward to your next clips.
1. I wish you GL ! :-)
2. Ask Poland cymky , hes a greate moviemaker and made my 3 clips/movies and he did it well for me :-)
:{ gl @ css
omg gay need movie:-D do it:-D
:pppppppp thx but i think we should swap teams first
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