CPC2 dreams
Hello everyone!
According to the latest fashion of making teams formed of players who are dying to play at CPC2 I would like to make something clear to those who (aparently) dont understand :P
First of all, there is ofcource nothing wrong with the desire to make new teams to play on LANS etc.
I do, however, feel obliged to point out, that unlike SHGopen, every top team will prolly have the opportunity to travel to Enschede and attend. No one has to bring a pc and a crossfire.nu LAN is something many feel more connected to than to a random SHGLAN i guess.
What I am trying to say is, that it is very unlikely for unexperienced and new teams to get through the qualifiers. There will be a very limited amount of teams allowed to play at the LAN so it will be tough even for the rather strong teams to qualify.
Just... dont get ur hopes up too much or u will only be disappointed xd
According to the latest fashion of making teams formed of players who are dying to play at CPC2 I would like to make something clear to those who (aparently) dont understand :P
First of all, there is ofcource nothing wrong with the desire to make new teams to play on LANS etc.
I do, however, feel obliged to point out, that unlike SHGopen, every top team will prolly have the opportunity to travel to Enschede and attend. No one has to bring a pc and a crossfire.nu LAN is something many feel more connected to than to a random SHGLAN i guess.
What I am trying to say is, that it is very unlikely for unexperienced and new teams to get through the qualifiers. There will be a very limited amount of teams allowed to play at the LAN so it will be tough even for the rather strong teams to qualify.
Just... dont get ur hopes up too much or u will only be disappointed xd
Main Entry: dis·ap·point
Pronunciation: "dis-&-'point
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English disapointen to dispossess, from Middle French desapointer, from des- dis- + appointer to arrange -- more at APPOINT
transitive verb : to fail to meet the expectation or hope of : FRUSTRATE <the team disappointed its fans>
sorry for having bad days, its human when your a feminion.
Ik heb het in deze post over CPC2, niet over SHGopen.
Remedium is voor SHGopen en er zijn voor deze LAN geen qualifiers.
oh en bovendien heeft tekoa hier al helemaal geen drol mee te maken
edit: nvm read the article, I thank you kindly!
The only way to accomplish something you aim for is by believing in it that you can succeed.
wees maar niet bang hoor ondanks deze ernstige waarschuwing komen er best nog wel teams naar CPC2 :P
Also if i would be able to get 64 et teams playing there, i am sure there would also be room for lesser skilled teams :P
lets mess with the danish chicks imo:D
if it is I cant go cause ill be on toxic's island little poor island
so at least this time i have an excuse
folk tror inte att vi fuskar imo :P
bara unix och wizzel!
vadå bertil?
jävla fuskare!
Each season a lot of clans/players have EC dreams for exemple
gl to everyone
the post relates to recruitment posts and i wouldnt be amused with half as much flame as i am now :[