Again Egoderko/ptk
HE play on hax. busted him.
on youtube is low quality action, but look how drive cursor in your head on wall.
Look all demo. in demo is his guid, and more action wh and pershot's
Kill all cheater.
HE play on hax. busted him.
on youtube is low quality action, but look how drive cursor in your head on wall.
Look all demo. in demo is his guid, and more action wh and pershot's
Kill all cheater.
Correct link:
watch that demo and look how egoderkoa and his teammates are obv :)) na tym filmiku sie nie popisales
Or hlep me killing him on eSport
but the post itself
0:14 - haha Open door FAIL
0:19 - Spawn time np. fail
0:25 - Where is wh?
wytlumacz sie z tego
lub krocej: nie zdazylem wylaczyc wszystkich cvarow z cfg pana Blad3 z jaymoda ktory mial w cfg komendy z wl_ i nie zdazylem ich wylaczyc predzej wyjebalo mnie pb
btw. nie obchodzi mnie gdzie wpadles, mogles nawet na jakims etmainie na 2.55 wpasc...
i tak jestes czitongiem ;)
4 [EGODERKOXD] [69049661B017BFB04D72FD7337B5E569BEF5A5A4] [win32]