Saiko need 1 for AEF!

After Yoej suddenly told us he is not going to lan (blabla story).
We need a new Field-Ops for AEF!

You gotta be:
- Speaking dutch
- Atleast med skilled
- Know how to play fops
- Mr.Funny

Netherlands TwizZt
Netherlands Ironic
Netherlands Jakez
Netherlands PmBb

Come talk to one of us at #saiko

Cu @ AEF
Bad joey is bad : <
saiko iz trolling lan for sure.
no, this time we're fo real
gl rolling!
Ik breng tony wel mee :)
hahaa.. ;p is goed
avi but im not funny :(
gl ironic, heard you were the best aimer with pistol:o

E: gaat kri toch wel mee?
Daar gaan we nog wel van uit :DD
id be avi bbut i dont speak dutch :(
go learn it
ive been in an all german team, it was the best clan ive ever been in, its rly not that much of a problem
so you'd not be avi.
take felix! he's fun :)
fu he's mine
I approve this comment.
ex krauts = skilled , waar zijn de dagen

gl ;-)
AoH Demon

die windows movie maker fragmovie van jou en Knight en goodiebag was hard!
kijk is aan, dat is pas nostalgie ;-)
Goodluck boys:D
als je betaald :D
entreekosten zijn al betaald D:
probs not i guess
i probably already have another team ;)
I'm avi, but dunno if I want to go to AEF looks like a lan for COD nerds
Don't be a retard please...
sorry but just they way everything goes make me think like that, look at the signup process for example.
It just doesn't look like an crossfire event for me.
What, so any LAN aside from crossfire LAN's are doomed to fail in your eyes?
I didn't say it was doomed to fail, a lanparty which is only about the prizes can be succesfull also. But I think the atmosphere will be totaly different then on the crossfire events. I might be wrong on this but I just got a feeling AEF wont be a lan party I could enjoy such as the crossfire events.

I'm hoping for everybody who is going that it will be a succesfull lanparty.
You're being incredibly close minded.

I'll just explain to you the signup process, as you took that as an example to illustrate how bad of a LAN this could be.
We have a certain amount of pc's, and based on that number we can only house a fixed amount of teams. 24 teams for 30 pc's is already pushing it so we got the most out of it. The process of signing up is a win-win situation. The teams get to decide faster whether they'll go or not, which gives them an immense advantage on flight-costs and accomodation expenses. You might not realise this but the longer you wait to book flights and rooms, the more expensive they become.
And for us it's also better because we can know longer in advance who will actually turn up, giving us more certainty and a longer period to plan for the actual teams that do attend for sure.

But your "hunge" is probably right -__-
but flight tickets are more expensive if you book them 6 months before instead of 3 months before, at least to asian countries dunno how it is for flights inside europe.

I can understand it from the side of the organization though, but it looks like this lan is more about actual gaming than the fun part of it.

But still I wish everybody a great lanparty, although I might skip this one as a spectator.
Ye sure it's more about "professional gaming" (if you may call it that). If you really want to have a decent opinion about it, why don't you come over and see for yourself ;)
NetherlandsL4mpje is still avi for AEF
lol Joey dodge? :DDDD
Nah, et just got boring :< I got asked to return to play with old scg (sPar,Shade,twizzt etc..) but that failed. and before i knew i was back playing pub 24/7 and shit, en i decided to bakc off before i got sucked into it again, and ohyeah gf started bitching abit so yeah.. I told tw1zzt 2 weeks ago i was quiting, but he thought it was ze troll :<
ur still a lowskilled waterheaded fag
lan is maar een weekendje

heb je iets te verbergen ofzo= zeg gewoon eerlijk
Zag je me skilldrop nie?:<
waarom nou joey -_________- nog maar paar weekjes
... faggots, just pmme nao!
they said med skill xD
he is deffinitly not a good aimer but those strikes he threw today when i played with him, uhu, arty and airstrike stats over 200 acc :p
/q Webe on IRC

I might actually go, I can take 2 holidays from job.
avi lekker dings my dutch is awesome
JOEY's Moments v1?
weh een nerd is het ook :\
gl nubs!
zou heel graag willen maar ben op vakantie:'(.

gl mooiboys<3
Joey is a fag.
ik ben avi als online prac butbuddy tot jullie 1 hebben ^^

als jullie al pracce:P? ziet er niet echt naar uit dat jullie gaan om de eerste plek te halen:P?
we pracce wel, moeten t met mercs doen
idle #saiko gewoon
geen bnc:/

als je iemand nodig heb moet kunnen kri/ironic me pmme op xfire ^^
avi if you can win from sakenD:
best team ever, gl
gl twizzt
opzich wel avi..
in that case, take woody.
mannen uit het gooi pwnen:o
valt wel mee hoor ;-] ben nu verhuisd, skilldrop..
speelde vorig jaar al voor team utrecht hoor, toen woonde ik er dus ook al niet meer ;-]

kan alleen nog herinneren dat ik ooit is lang geleden zag dat jij en vap in het gooi woonde:D
die chooppi toch ook?
ken ik niet:P
voor de jakez ben ik AVI contact me biatch
jeuj wierdo naar aef:D?
nog al daar een lan gedaan zenne :)
Ik wil wel gaan!
take L4mpje, kri should already know him and he was a decent player
k heb al jaar of langer niet meer gespeeld dus geen idee :)
we just tried him out :)
If the entry fee is free, and accommodation, ill go
liar liar pants on fire
what ironic said
gl ironicm8
thnx babe <3
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