Iz back! can has team?

Hi everyone!

After having played some pubs, the last couple of days, I have decided to give the wonderful game Enemy Territory a try again. So I am looking for a team to play with for the next period. I stopped playing ET and have only played it a few times since the fall of 2007. In the time between then and now, I've played CoD4 (which I stopped playing spring 2009) and TF2.

Who am I?
  • Denmark
  • 28 years old.
  • Played ET from release till 2007.
  • Skill: probably a bit low at the moment (need some weeks to get into shape again).
  • Former clans: ALIS (3 or 4 different lineups), uNtried, -o_/, TKB, Denmark NC and Mixfreaks.
  • Used to play: Rifle/SMG engi, medic.

What would I like from a team?
  • To play 2 or 3 times each week.
  • Skill-wise: hmmmm, I dunno.
  • No kids please, I played in a team once, which was full of 15-17 year old people... hated it.
  • Don't mind, if I fuck up the first weeks :D
  • No cheaters, I hatez themz!

I can be contacted in #crossfire or #ALIS

Random image, like z0mg!
image: mystic
good luck :D
ja pierdole mistik

nice post, gl
U killed mystic u gotta my GL
U killed mystic u gotta my GL
small noob
seriously ur a trolling bastard :)
omg killed mystic!
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