Rifle Tryout

Hangover needs a skilled rifle to complete the lineup and looking for a rifler to test this afternoon before the World Cup match.


Thank you
gl mate
you suck compared to best french rifle MarseilleTouZe

normal things to post i think :o
doesnt matter, they just need damage whore! all players are running for frags and none helps engy (yes, i was tryout and i was only engy whole time, and they say im low, cuz i had to do everything alone, even didnt had revives or following medic behind me)
Still, from a new team you can't expect 100% TW yet
i know, but at first minute they were expecting that rifle do most dmg, blow up everything and build cp and barriers alone. Hard job with 1 engy (just rifle).
To be honest, team has potential, if they just follows engy and some1 plays other engy :D
you should always have a medic who can switch fast to engy smg, thats more called a 'supporting medic'
yea, thats true.
np if you need more just send a PM on CF or /q me on mIrc sKILVA
we already talked about it didnt we, come this afternoon then
Quotetactics to be is rifler carrying team in his own shoulders
Where is hoovemoover ?
;D good luck hover noobz
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