BluGirl for 5on5

So as PLT wont be attending 5on5 Im avi for 5on5

About meh:
* Skilled
* Pref smg classes but can handle rifle aswell
* Good comms
* Active ass hell
* speaking Finland/Anonymous/United Kingdom

About u:

*Skilled (no lows plz i get bored)
*dont care about ur div if ure cool
*pref serv voice is must

If u have anything to ask just send me pm here or contact [EC]Bluman @ qnet

Haters gonna hate

image: 2zgesdg
image: fu6mp2
that random guy is so ugly :<
she is friend of ati so please take back ur words
why should I ? omfg
GL! <3
how do u speak Anonymous gl tho
u suck
thx for completing my sentence
u may or may not suck
ye it depends on if pb is on but plz dont tell anyone :)
Ok, keeping it on the down lowwwwwwwww :>
the first time that i have to aggree with you :DDD
i dont get the pic
retard + not that skilled, gl !
"skilled" :DDD busted cheater.
yo that girl CANT be real. srsly
kamala nörtti pelaa et:tä taas !
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