windows 7 / ET

Hey i have install win7

and my fps are 50-65 normaly 125 stable on XP

ping 120/150 normaly 60/70 on XP

that is in all server i have try diference cfg

What the problem ? can you help me ?

Thanks all
get Microsoft MicroXP v0.8
works fine for me
Your English is shit.
try to reinstall windows again :x once, I had the same but with win xp, when I installed it right after vista (or windows 7 - don't remember correctly) my fps were forced to 75 max + ping over 100, nothing helped untill I reinstalled windows again
reinstal ET
Your English is shit.
ask Kevin[
mainboard drivers?
graph drivers?
Reinstall Windows.

Make sure you have correct drivers.

You possibly have too little ram for win7, causing lag.
Windows 7 find the right driver itself and the best you can use with it :) so it has nothing to do with the driver tbh, could be ram :)

Mouse2 et.exe - compatibility - "run this program with compatibility " tick it - Windows XP service 2003 . Settings - "Disable visual themes,Disable desktop composition and Disable display scaling on high DPI settings. and privilege level - Run as Administrator !

try that :)

Ps. if still lag like that, try reinstall ET :)
drivers, autoupdate

125 fps/48-50ping for me all the time

type ur comp conf;)
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