mEDIA Busted !

Nickname: mEDIA
ESL: Lack ???
Pbguid: f097b7d8
Etproguid: ****5B4E7565E2
Pbss: Lack
SSChecker: Lack
Demo: (wolfcam.exe)
Pbguid-ss: I know that there's a lack of PBGUID, but we just wanted to show that you shouldn't play with him... or against him =)


Special thanks:
Poland spankie
mam nadzieje, ze ta muzyka to tak sarkastycznie
ej kreeec, kreeec, kreeeec, ja na to mam cheeec, cheeeec, cheeeeeeeeeeec
nice bust
+1 polaks gtfo...
thx no pb config ....
00, Stream not found, NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound, clip: '[Clip] 'videos/SD/29000/29293_4c38d0112d0ff_HQ.mp4''
works for me&hao
tbh useless bust,, avi or gtfo

"mEDIA: mozecie mi naskoczyc skurwysyny :D"
one random hacker more or less... who gives a fuck?!

tomorrow he's back with new nick & guids anyway =/
anyway he will change his nick now ;D
nice gamma bug
been there, done that
add retarded music to block sounds... stopped after 2nd since he was seen.................
I didn't even record the sound. Too much work for a stupid bustmovie
but yet you bothered to make moving text with after effects? :D
Much less work than making the sound synced etc etc... also notice that the text is not in the correct places :)
lol nice video 5/5!
terrible song
Moilem spankiemu aby dal moja piosenke to on sie uparl na ta XD
jakies japonskie techno-hardstyle tez by raczej nie zdobylo serc widzow.
was he leaning in deli? coz u don't see leaning with wolfcam..
nice job guys, I already knew he is a cheater, but I did not have enough experience to catch..
GJ ale znudzi sie wam po miesiącu:)
byc moze kto wie :O
1st action isn't any proof cause u saw this guy 2times ...
hate those fucking names that is actually an object or w/e i mean cmon mEDIA? wtf kinda name is that
ye mine doesnt have a meaning, his name means the media and i hate it that ppl have names that irl actually means shit like tAble or w/e bAth all stupid names same goes for him media lol gtfo
stfu, United Kingdom sock is awesome
wrescie ta pierdolona dziwka jest busted!!!
GJ HaoKakao
spank <3
gufno, tylko ostatnia akcja pokazuje ze gral na wh, reszta w1lko style :-[
zajebista nuta :D
Hes mad now :/
globe great engrish
no surprise...
After first action I thougt: This is normal delivery gamesense but then I was like wtf.
1st scene, maybe heard and just keep tracking there, tho he saw him there before already
2nd scene, maybe ts/vent + you can't see leaning on wolfcam
3rd scene, prolly just bad aim at pressshoting
4th scene, you can't see leaning at wolfcam

maybe he is a hacker but those scenes weren't that obv at all
no obvious??? he aims exactly where the guy is behind a wall cmon
If you check my demos you sometimes also see bad aimed pressshots onto walls where an opponent is behind
it wasnt even a preshot xd ...he aimed before shooting
don't you aim when you do a pressshot :p, I don't know if he maybe rly cheats but that ain't a good proof tbh
u always want the last word mEDIA is a cheater watch the last scene ..
the last scene is the cleanest one, you can't see a player leaning on wolfcam, the tool
which was used for seeing him playing
2nd scene, maybe ts/vent + you can't see leaning on wolfcam (xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Get eyes !!! ... how he excelled -.-)
4th scene, you can't see leaning at wolfcam (Yea it's obv and can't see leaning at wolfcam ?)
you are extremely stupid, he wasn't tracking him while he was crouching but always when he stood up he aimed there where he went to (xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Get eyes !!! ... how he excelled at standing only-.-)
tho I never wrote that:
4rd scene, prolly just bad aim at pressshoting
Study grammar you lil trolltard

(nice editing of your comment btw)

4th scene, you can't see leaning at wolfcam (Yea it's obv and can't see leaning at wolfcam ?)
=> he was standing still for a moment
so there is the possibility that he leaned there for a moment

I don't even know this guy and I'm deffinitly not saying he is clean, rather I do that he is cheating
because I just don't know him. But fact is that all those scenes ain't obvious at all
more lows ...
you don't even got a quarter of my experience boy
But fact is that all those scenes ain't obvious at all (Maybe check demo ?)
maybe i would check his own demo and not your's with wolfcam? wolfcam never shows the other player's completely
Yhym you are the best
thank you, let's have some buttsex and make peace?
+1 for wiesel!!! hes right
4th scene, from that angle if he would lean he would lean "against" the wall and not normally so I don't think he leaned
what I am talking about is that it's not a good proof, yes it's kinda obv but it proofs nothing
the 4th scene he aimed directly into the way where this guy is standing and then he leaned...
ohh :DDDDD
<mEDIA> 2on2 low+ hs clans
just 2nd can be little obv(can be deadcam info/info from teammates) other are useless(depends on it that u cant see lean when u use wolfcam)
3cia akcja jest bezuzyteczna? PROSZE CIE. randomowy shocik w rure, z normalsami okazuje sie ze idealnie w heada :DDD
tak jak wiesel napisal..widzial koles, ze tak uciekl i po prostu zle trafil, czasami kazdemu sie chocby myszka lekko usunie i minimalnie w sciane walnie sie(a jak nawet mysz masz stabilna, to mozesz laga zlapac;) )

e: skoro ten psikus sie przyznaje ze on to mEDIA w takim razie to wh na 100%:) specnij jakis jego mecz na ettv, a nie sie w wolfcamy bawisz, wiecej akcji znajdziesz;)
LOL.. .Psikus to nie mEDIA poprostu pisal z jego konta omfg >.>
Tylko ze jemu wgl tez celownik sie nie zsuna, od poczatku celowal nizej w rure ;P Jeszcze nawiazujac do ostatniej akcji kto celuje przez sciane z taka dokladnoscia ? Ogladnij ta akcje pare razy (a dodam ze niemozliwe jest info drugiej osoby =))
bo kurde gracie wallhackerskie mapy deliverke i b4:PP

pozatym specnij siebie na r_shownormals 1 i zobacz, ze sam czasem randomowo namierzasz kogos:P a jeszcze jak masz dobre sluchawki i wiesz, ze ktos stoi za sciana to slyszysz, w ktora strone biega i troszke latasz celownikiem za kims;)

a do busta z tego meczyku cos znajdziecie lepszego:P

jak wam sie nudzi, to walnijcie avi, bo pare akcji jest 100%;)
tylko jest jedna roznica :D ja celuje w krawedzie scian a on w sciane i to jest wlasnie to :O dam ci kazde moje demko gdzie pisali ze wh mam i celowalem w krawedz, a nie w sciane na kolesia tak jak on to zrobil w 2 i 4 akcji :D
mEDIA med+ haha :D

mEDIA clean :-)
Yo its me mEDIA whats up ? just info from EGODERKO (latest action)+ lean , 1st action noticed him 2 times , the rest nothing obvious, thanks no offense guys but grow up :-) cheers
Info lol? No info :-) fail

edit@ Deadcam pojebalo mi sie;d;
Spankie admit that you are using something ( no offense ) :) bye adios ciao ;* love psikus, and that fatman egoderko ;D
only weird scene is 3rd one and this could just be an unlucky shot..hes suspicious, but by far not enough for a bust+gtfo with music, especially this shit on bustavis
Quote<mEDIA> 3on3 | HIGHMED| hs
Go on, keep on defending cheaters. That will surely do well for ET scene. You might realise his hax skills when you play with him.
played vs him some hours ago he's still obv :D:D:D
ohh to many cheaters on nopb.. cant play mix or something its so shit...
What the music ?
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