Looking for ET team o:]

Hi :]

I'm searching for a (really) med skilled clan active who wants to play as good as possible (PLZ TACTICS).

I'm 19 years old, french, and can speak english.
Avi from Sunday/Thursday.
Previous Team : TdZ (1,5 years) SurV (6 months) Wolf (- 1 year).
I play eng rifle/smg or medic (and Field Op just for mass ammos :p).

U can contact me @ #wolf.gaming => FdY or TaffdY or something finished by dY.

See ya. :]
kikoo FdY :) TdZ <3
looks like a loyal guy, worth considering :-) gl
rly nice guy , pm him
stupid snaileating retard that calls every1 cheaters
Die frenchie die
yo, gl fdaïe.

Every names which finish by dY, but not KeytarodY :p
take him nice guy :)
Smart guy that really deserves a slot in a cool and stable team.
 plus wolf ?
gl !

you should pm him ASAP
Registered: 9 February 2007
yep take him :)
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