Hey ok this is/will be flamed like hell,but.... I will/i'am going to do it regardless. I'am going to make a list a top 50 players list for ET, the list will not be opinion based but a ranking system (details later) will employed to give "player A is better than player B" then a mixture of other factors will be used to differentiate between the very best. To make it slighty easier on myself, only current and active players are taken into account. The list will be rated on performances from the following

Europe-Euro Cup/Open Cup/Nations Cup/ET-Cup/WL/ESL

NA-TWL/STA/Nations Cup

I have a short list of clans/nations from which players who play for that clan/nation will be under consideration for the list.

The finalised list will be made public on the day of the Euro Cup final. I welcome any suggestions for the list, hit me up on irc or #team-dmt

Good luck to all the players under consideration.
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